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1911 magazines - my new favorite

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1911 magazines - my new favorite Empty 1911 magazines - my new favorite

Post by Russ OR Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:04 am

7 rnd Metalform "ProCarry" w/ flat top follower & welded bottom. I ordered a couple on Midway sale-$9.95.-Used them & ordered a few more before they sold out. --- -Totally reliable like my round follower MetalForms -but with the narrow top springs very easy to, with just fingers, to pop out the follower & spring for cleaning & reassembly. - Springs & followers work in other brand magazines as well. Worth the $10 to me for the spring & follower. Spring is standard width front to back on bottom - ½"± narrower front to back on top 4-5? coils.
One reviewer said the followers pop out  -never happened to me.
2¢ - YMMV -- Russ

Russ OR

Posts : 269
Join date : 2011-06-10
Location : Oregon City, OR

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