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A used Dillon 550 with some missing parts...

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A used Dillon 550 with some missing parts... Empty A used Dillon 550 with some missing parts...

Post by Rob Kovach 9/3/2011, 11:21 pm

I picked up a used DIllon 550 with about $70 of missing parts. I'm thinking about sending it in to Dillon to have them fix it up. Does that sound like an appropriate course of action? Does any one know how much they will charge for labor? Any other recommendations?
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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A used Dillon 550 with some missing parts... Empty Re: A used Dillon 550 with some missing parts...

Post by Milenfive 9/4/2011, 12:21 am

You well be very happy if you send it to Dillion. I did that years ago with a Square Deal press that I bought cheap. It came back looking like new and at the time there was no labor charges, just a charge for parts. Don't hesitate but it in a box and send it.


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A used Dillon 550 with some missing parts... Empty Re: A used Dillon 550 with some missing parts...

Post by Founder 9/4/2011, 1:47 pm

I sent my Square Deal B in and it was $49.95 I think. That was it, came back like new. Everything was replaced except for the main body.

Best $50 I ever spent for anything shooting related.

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A used Dillon 550 with some missing parts... Empty Re: A used Dillon 550 with some missing parts...

Post by John0313 9/5/2011, 3:01 am

I would send it back. About 4 years ago I sent a 550 back that I had bought about 20 years ago. They rebuilt it, and returned it for no charge as I recall.

It was like new again!



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A used Dillon 550 with some missing parts... Empty Re: A used Dillon 550 with some missing parts...

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