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Junk Guns, Parts, etc?

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Junk Guns, Parts, etc? Empty Junk Guns, Parts, etc?

Post by beeser 2/27/2015, 11:14 am

I just came across yet another example of a cheap, poorly made product at our local Home Depot, an item that I once relied on to be of good quality no matter where it was purchased.  This got me to thinking if the same motivation to enhance profit at the expense of product quality is happening with guns and gun parts.  Reasoning would suggest that it has but my limited knowledge of guns is only adept to spot the obvious.  So, for the benefit of us less informed what do you consider junk guns or junk parts?  At this point everything is suspect; guns, gun parts, powder, casings, reloading supplies, cleaning supplies.


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Junk Guns, Parts, etc? Empty Re: Junk Guns, Parts, etc?

Post by Rob Kovach 2/27/2015, 11:28 am

I would rather not have suck a topic based on such a negative premise.  It's true that they don't make things like they used to.

I really think it's a bad idea to have a thread dedicated to opinions about products the poster opines as "junk".

No. let's not have this topic.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Junk Guns, Parts, etc? Empty Re: Junk Guns, Parts, etc?

Post by DavidR 2/27/2015, 1:17 pm

The problem with saying what any of us think is junk is someone else will chime in on what a great experience they had with it. Ive seen it time after time. We all have different expectations some things that don't live up to mine exceeds someone else's.

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Junk Guns, Parts, etc? Empty Re: Junk Guns, Parts, etc?

Post by beeser 2/27/2015, 1:41 pm

My apologies for raising the question that way I did.  In retrospect there was probably a better way to generate a healthy discussion on the issue of quality, which I realize can be highly subjective.  But for clarification my issue wasn't with how things used to be made.  In many respects quality has improved.  My issue is with the quality of products that manufacturers choose to make today and what appears to be the silent acceptance of them.


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Junk Guns, Parts, etc? Empty Re: Junk Guns, Parts, etc?

Post by rfmiller 2/27/2015, 2:19 pm

It seems to me that with today's CNC and MIM parts it becomes a much more complex problem.  The parts can be made more inexpensively, but what kind of metal is being used?  Do the parts require hand fitting?  And how do you weigh the advantage "quality" with the price of the product?  I bought an inexpensive single shot, break open 22 so I could take a neighbor kid shooting.  The hammer spur broke off the first time I shot it.  But the manufacturer paid for shipping and it was sent in for repair, returned a week and a half later and has been fine since.  Was it good enough?  Probably so if my failure was unusual.  Not so if I was building a pistol I was shooting in competition every week!
It seems we need to rely on the advice of those who use and build many guns to tell us what has worked well in their experience. . .


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