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Bob Day .22 conversion value

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Bob Day .22 conversion value Empty Bob Day .22 conversion value

Post by Jerry Goldfarb 2/27/2015, 3:34 pm

Can anyone tell me the going price for a Bob Day .22 conversion with two inserts?  Looks to be in excellent condition.  Do the inserts only hold 5 rounds?  Will a Colt .22 magazine work and eject shells?  Thanks.
Jerry Goldfarb
Jerry Goldfarb

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Bob Day .22 conversion value Empty Re: Bob Day .22 conversion value

Post by dronning 2/27/2015, 4:48 pm

Don't know the value but the ejector is a tab on the mag insert so you would have to braze a tab on the colt .22 mags to duplicate the ejector.

Yes the inserts only hold 5 rounds

- Dave

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Bob Day .22 conversion value Empty Re: Bob Day .22 conversion value

Post by robert84010 2/28/2015, 1:35 pm

I had one for a time. I shot the same personal best I had shot with other pistols but it took three extra strings to do it. It's hard to put a price on a unreliable pistol, too me there is no price too low. My other conversions are very reliable and i'll stick with them.


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Bob Day .22 conversion value Empty Re: Bob Day .22 conversion value

Post by Rob Kovach 2/28/2015, 2:11 pm

I have to agree with Robert 84010.  I bought a used Day conversion, and it's really not up to the same standards as a new Nelson which is the best of the modern "Marvel" style conversions or the Kart/Dvorak conversions.

It's cool and old school for fun at the range, but I would never use it for a match.

I paid less than $100 for mine but it was really narfed up.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Bob Day .22 conversion value Empty Re: Bob Day .22 conversion value

Post by robert84010 2/28/2015, 2:37 pm

I guess because at the time I had a 99.9% reliable High Standard and a 99% reliable Marvel it made it all the more frustrating. Someone else needed it more than I did. 

It's very rare to shoot your best with an unreliable pistol. I'm sure they are all not bad but mine was very frustrating.


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