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I've been busy...some new wheel guns!

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I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Empty I've been busy...some new wheel guns!

Post by cwo4uscgret 2/28/2015, 7:05 am

I have a friend who is always searching for the "right" handgun; which is good for me because I've scored some really nice guns from him in the past including a Colt Officer's Model Target .22lr (early Post WWII).  Last weekend was no different; when he mentioned he was looking for a new CCW piece I said "I have you covered."  He also wanted my Talo Ruger 22/45 with a 4" slab side bull barrel and Millet Red Dot.  So I traded him that and a S&W M&P 9MM Shield for his approximate 1952 Pre Series 17 K -22 Blue 6".  He claims he has  the original stocks in a box in his garage; he and his girlfriend are moving from an apartment to a house so it may be a while before he gets to it.  My wife and I also had to travel to Indiana for a memorial service for my cousin; since we were close, we took a run at the Hammond, Indiana Cabelas.  Remind me to stay out of the Gun Library!  While there I found and bought a 1936 Colt Officer's Model Target Heavy Barrel .38 Special with probably Sanderson stocks on it (no markings on the back of the stocks).  Without further ado, here they are...oh, did I say the Colt .38 Special is like 90-95%?

Colt (1936) .38 Special Officer's Model Target

I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Omt_left
I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Omt_right
I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Omt_charger
I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Omt_left_stock
I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Omt_rollmark
I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Omt_serial1
I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Omt_stocks

Smith and Wesson (1952) 5 Screw K-22 (pre Model 17)

I've been busy...some new wheel guns! K22_right
I've been busy...some new wheel guns! K22_left
I've been busy...some new wheel guns! K22_barrel

Colt (1948) .22lr Officer's Model Target

I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Colt_left
I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Colt_right
I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Colt_grip

So guys - what do you think?


Posts : 16
Join date : 2014-11-08
Age : 72

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I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Empty Re: I've been busy...some new wheel guns!

Post by rvlvrlvr 2/28/2015, 9:12 am


Posts : 193
Join date : 2011-06-10
Location : Northern Virginia

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I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Empty Re: I've been busy...some new wheel guns!

Post by BE Mike 2/28/2015, 3:02 pm

Nothing like old craftsmanship in blue steel and wood.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Location : Indiana

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I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Empty Re: I've been busy...some new wheel guns!

Post by beeser 2/28/2015, 3:06 pm

Beautiful looking revolvers!


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Join date : 2014-06-19

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I've been busy...some new wheel guns! Empty Re: I've been busy...some new wheel guns!

Post by Sa-tevp 2/28/2015, 3:29 pm

The Colts are beautiful and I have to ask a question about NRA Distinguished Revolver rules. Why is "An adjustable front sight is not allowed." in the rules? That parks a lot of pre-1949 Colt target revolvers.


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