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Powder options from my inventory

Bubba Blaster
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Powder options from my inventory Empty Powder options from my inventory

Post by KevinB 2/28/2015, 1:02 pm

Just getting back into reloading and fortunately have some appropriate powders already in hand.  They are 10 or more years old but don't smell funny and have been sealed in original containers and stored in a cool basement.  I pound of Red Dot, 1/2 Lb. of W231 and this old can of Winchester.  Since packaging and names have changed I am wondering is this the same as the WST packaged today?
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Powder options from my inventory Empty Re: Powder options from my inventory

Post by Bubba Blaster 2/28/2015, 2:28 pm


I'd call and check.

Bubba Blaster

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Powder options from my inventory Empty Re: Powder options from my inventory

Post by Wobbley 2/28/2015, 5:56 pm

It is SIMILAR.  there is probably some older load data somewhere.

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Powder options from my inventory Empty Re: Powder options from my inventory

Post by james r chapman 2/28/2015, 7:17 pm

it's the same WST as now. the WST1 signifies it's a one (1) pound container. I'd use existing load data, just start on the low to mid and work up.

the container dates from the late 70's.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Powder options from my inventory Empty Re: Powder options from my inventory

Post by KevinB 2/28/2015, 10:14 pm

It will be used for mild bullseye loads with a 200 grain Lswc so I feel I'm safe with it.


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Powder options from my inventory Empty Re: Powder options from my inventory

Post by teg2658 3/2/2015, 7:52 am

WST came out in 1988/1989 time frame, it replaced Winchester 452AA. I was using 452AA at the time and did a lot of experimenting with WST and then went to it. I wore out a set of 1911 inserts in my Ransom Rest trying different powders in my 45s and always went back to WST. 3.8 grains behind a 200 grain H&G 68, 5.0 grains behind a Nosler 185 HP, 1.24 OAL for 50 yards. I use Winchester primers.
Tom Ginovsky


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Powder options from my inventory Empty Re: Powder options from my inventory

Post by KevinB 3/2/2015, 8:30 am

Thank you.

I called the company this morning and they said it is the exact same powder as the WST packaged today.


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Powder options from my inventory Empty Re: Powder options from my inventory

Post by rich.tullo 4/3/2015, 9:44 pm

I can never get WST to cycle my question below 4 gn. 

I will say 4.1 of WST over a 200gn swc when it's over 50 degrees outside is the most accurate powder 

I don't get their reloading manual as I have not seen pressure signs at 5 gn for 9mm or 45acp. Yes they won't give you load data but 3.8 to 4.2 gn of WST over jacked 124 gn 9mm works not  accurate but it will work fine.

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Powder options from my inventory Empty Re: Powder options from my inventory

Post by noylj 4/4/2015, 3:29 am

Umm, I loved 452AA but have been unsuccessful with WST. Much prefer Bullseye, Red Dot, and 231/HP38. I was really surprised how accurate 231/HP38 was.
Just like everything else, the proof is how YOUR gun performs.


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Powder options from my inventory Empty Re: Powder options from my inventory

Post by rich.tullo 4/4/2015, 7:08 am

I have been meaning to try red dot.

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Powder options from my inventory Empty Re: Powder options from my inventory

Post by teg2658 4/4/2015, 9:48 am

Red Dot was the powder I used before 452AA. 3.8 to 4.0 behind a H&G 68. Only used it at 50 ft and 25 yds.


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