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Cataract surgery

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Cataract surgery Empty Cataract surgery

Post by jwax 3/1/2015, 8:31 am

Eye doc says I'm a candidate for cataract surgery. Any BE shooters been there? Question is, how did it affect your game? Better, worse, no change?
Also, there appears to be a choice of lenses. Which did you choose?
Anything you would have done differently?

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Cataract surgery Empty Re: Cataract surgery

Post by LenV 3/1/2015, 9:19 am

I had it done. VA did the surgery. It was in my dominate eye. It brought my scores up a lot being able to see the dot as a dot instead of a sunburst. They were not able to bring my right eye vision back to the 20/15 that I had before the cataract but it is 20/20 now. The left eye is still 20/15 so I can still see those pesky holes outside the black. Had the VA given me an option I would have chosen a Lens to match the left eye. If I had it to do again I would have done it sooner.


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Cataract surgery Empty Re: Cataract surgery

Post by paw080 3/1/2015, 1:21 pm

Hi John, I've had the Cataract surgery in both eyes. My vision improvement has been mind blowing.

For your info;  the surgeon can set your focal distance to any length that you wish.  It is advisable that

both eyes be set to the same distance.  Because of my many hobbies that require up close viewing,

my eyes are set to focus 12"s from my eyes. This also means I can read a book or magazine without holding

the book with outstretched arms.  I do need glasses for driving and distance. The choice was mine

and the choice is yours.  Best of luck; Smile



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Cataract surgery Empty Re: Cataract surgery

Post by mparker 3/1/2015, 4:29 pm

Highly recommended.

I went from bifocals and prescription shooting glasses to 20/15 far vision and no reading prescription.


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Cataract surgery Empty Re: Cataract surgery

Post by rfmiller 3/1/2015, 4:36 pm

My surgery was a disaster.  In short, be sure you have the best doctor you can find and talk to lots of people locally about who did their surgery.  My doctor did not check for "fingerprint dystrophy" and I came out of surgery barely able to see the big E at the top of the chart.  Follow up was awful, the guy didn't give a shit, just wanted to do the other eye and make more money.  Had to see another ophthalmologist then a cornea specialist and have my cornea "scraped and abraded" and let it regrow.  The use of the laser in the initial operation probably caused an aggravation of my initial condition. The last doctor said I probably didn't need the first surgery but rather needed the cornea fixed.  He got me to where I can see reasonably well, but the whole thing was a nightmare.  I admit my situation was rare.

In short, be sure you have an excellent doctor (they are not all the same) and get a second opinion.  Optometrists make a lot of money on referrals.

Last edited by rfmiller on 3/1/2015, 4:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : misspelling)


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Cataract surgery Empty Re: Cataract surgery

Post by joem5636 3/1/2015, 5:05 pm

So-called variable focus lenses are useless. They assume your iris is contracted for distance vision and expanded for close. Not truly variable! Plan on wearing glasses AND seeing better with multiple frames and/or bifocals. Skip trifocals, too!


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Cataract surgery Empty Re: Cataract surgery

Post by james r chapman 3/1/2015, 6:44 pm

What laser? When I had mine a simple removal and replacement of the lenses took place. Since I trapshoot, mine is for distance, both eyes. I use 1.25 diopter to focus on front sight pistol shooting. Fantastic process.

I no longer wear 20/400 glasses..
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Cataract surgery Empty Re: Cataract surgery

Post by TampaTim 3/1/2015, 6:58 pm

Doctors are the same as competitive shooters some are marksmen some are high masters.


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Cataract surgery Empty Re: Cataract surgery

Post by Virgil Kane 3/2/2015, 7:02 pm

Mine was a disaster also. After it was done (right eye) I now see double vision at any distance. When I look at a target I see two bullseyes, one darker and the other a ghost image just underneath the real one. Doc said it is impossible  what I describe but then he can't see though my eye. Street signs, traffic signals, reading books doesn't matter, I get a ghost image.

If I had it to do over again I would wait until glasses were totally usless. I have learned to adapt but it sucks (!!!!!!!!!) that what was supposed to be a fix turned out worse than what it was before.


Virgil Kane

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Cataract surgery Empty Re: Cataract surgery

Post by jwax 3/7/2015, 8:27 am

mparker wrote:Highly recommended.

I went from bifocals and prescription shooting glasses to 20/15 far vision and no reading prescription.
Were your new lenses fixed focus, or one of the newer variable focus?
Any problem in seeing the dot/front sight?

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Cataract surgery Empty Re: Cataract surgery

Post by james r chapman 3/7/2015, 9:30 am

Mine were infinity focused. Using reading glasses to shoot with.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Cataract surgery Empty Re: Cataract surgery

Post by mparker 3/11/2015, 8:01 am

jwax wrote:
mparker wrote:Highly recommended.

I went from bifocals and prescription shooting glasses to 20/15 far vision and no reading prescription.
Were your new lenses fixed focus, or one of the newer variable focus?
Any problem in seeing the dot/front sight?

Done in April of last year maine are fixed for distance.
Dr said I'd need a reading prescription but I don't except for the finest print and I do still have an astigmatism. I use non-prescription shooting glesses so far.


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