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Difficulty in calling .22lr shots?

john bickar
Jon Eulette
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Difficulty in calling .22lr shots? Empty Difficulty in calling .22lr shots?

Post by beeser 3/18/2015, 4:15 pm

I recently learned to call my shots using a 1911 but for some reason I can't seem to do it using any of my .22lr pistols.  Is there something going on with the .22lr that makes it more difficult or is the problem strictly between my ears?


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Difficulty in calling .22lr shots? Empty Re: Difficulty in calling .22lr shots?

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 3/18/2015, 4:24 pm

Most bullseye problems are between the ears

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Difficulty in calling .22lr shots? Empty Re: Difficulty in calling .22lr shots?

Post by DavidR 3/18/2015, 5:03 pm

just concentrate on where the dot is when the trigger breaks it will come to you

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Difficulty in calling .22lr shots? Empty Re: Difficulty in calling .22lr shots?

Post by Jon Eulette 3/18/2015, 5:06 pm

The reason the .45 is easier is because the heavier trigger pull. You'll make larger error and it's easier to follow/notice. The .22 having a lighter pull will not show the dot movement as much as .45 when breaking the shot.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Difficulty in calling .22lr shots? Empty Re: Difficulty in calling .22lr shots?

Post by john bickar 3/19/2015, 8:48 am

Follow through.
john bickar
john bickar

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Difficulty in calling .22lr shots? Empty Re: Difficulty in calling .22lr shots?

Post by dronning 3/19/2015, 9:02 am

john bickar wrote:Follow through.


Stay on the gun and recover just like if you were shooting a sustained fire target. I've seen guys get on their scope almost before the bullet leaves the barrel. LOL

- Dave

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Difficulty in calling .22lr shots? Empty Re: Difficulty in calling .22lr shots?

Post by GrumpyOldMan 3/20/2015, 11:01 am

I'd love to say it's longer barrel time for the bullet, but the speeds and barrel lengths are not that much different, not enough different IMO, to really be a factor. I've seen it have a dramatic effect with rifles, though.

One mental effect is related to the noise level of the report. That little pop can leave you sort of believing that nothing much happened, but it really did happen.

Work on a Zen-like awareness of everything that is happening as the shot breaks. It will be observation that you put into verbal terms LATER. There are two ways to "feel" like the shot was good:  by having the appropriate awareness, and by NOT having enough awareness. I learned this by marking the call for each shot BEFORE I scoped it.

A good scorebook, which is used faithfully in that way, truly is your friend.


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Difficulty in calling .22lr shots? Empty Re: Difficulty in calling .22lr shots?

Post by robert84010 3/22/2015, 12:16 pm

dronning wrote:
john bickar wrote:Follow through.


Stay on the gun and recover just like if you were shooting a sustained fire target.  I've seen guys get on their scope almost before the bullet leaves the barrel.  LOL

- Dave
yep, and don't forget about the guys that are so worried about where their brass goes that they are looking backwards seemingly before the bullet is out of the pistol. not so much with .22, I know but I've always said there are some guys that love reloading so much they only shoot in order to find brass and reload it.


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Difficulty in calling .22lr shots? Empty Re: Difficulty in calling .22lr shots?

Post by Axehandle 3/22/2015, 12:47 pm

IMHO most of the 22 woes in this area comes from a simple lack of applying the fundamentals.  The 45 whips us like a dog if we stray but the 22 is so easy we try to "MAKE" it shoot when we are ready.


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Difficulty in calling .22lr shots? Empty Re: Difficulty in calling .22lr shots?

Post by beeser 3/23/2015, 7:11 pm

Axehandle wrote:IMHO most of the 22 woes in this area comes from a simple lack of applying the fundamentals.  The 45 whips us like a dog if we stray but the 22 is so easy we try to "MAKE" it shoot when we are ready.
Worked on my trigger control this morning and with the statement above in mind I was able to almost clean a target at 25 yds.  Had 9 in the 10 ring with 5Xs.  The stray ended up in the 6 ring.  And this was on a windy day with 20 mph gusts.  Also, thanks DavidR!  Yes, I'll get there.


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Difficulty in calling .22lr shots? Empty Re: Difficulty in calling .22lr shots?

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