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Steyr LP-10 shoots high

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Steyr LP-10 shoots high Empty Steyr LP-10 shoots high

Post by John McCormick Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:58 am

I didn't want to steer a recent LP-10 discussion off course, but I know from the responses that at least a few shooters here own one. Mine is beautifully accurate but shoots high. If I have the rear sight body essentially level with the top of the frame the point of impact will be several inches high at 10 meters. Are they assuming a sub-six hold or is there something else that I am missing? Steyr offers front sights in varying widths, but they don't make a taller one. The rear sight has plenty of adjustment range. It just looks a little "off" to have the sight body tilted downwards to get a six-o'clock zero.

John McCormick

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Location : SW FL

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Steyr LP-10 shoots high Empty Re: Steyr LP-10 shoots high

Post by dronning Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:16 am

Never paid attention to where the sight is located as long as I have enough adjustment. I use to shoot center mass and now I shoot sub six and still have plenty of adjustment left.

- Dave

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Steyr LP-10 shoots high Empty Re: Steyr LP-10 shoots high

Post by C.Perkins Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:48 am

I have never paid attention to the sight either so I just went and got her out and yes, mine is below flush.
I use a sub six hold also.
As long as you have plenty of adjustment it is a non issue.
By the way, mine is an LP1p.


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Steyr LP-10 shoots high Empty Steyr shooting high

Post by FredB Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:24 pm

Most, but not all, European AP shooters use sub-6 hold, but your Steyr rear sight should still have enough travel for you to shoot center hold. If not, the first thing to do is make sure the rear sight is not bottoming against the grip. If that's OK and you don't see anything else obviously causing a problem, then the easiest solution is to put a shim under the front sight. Easy to do, doesn't permanently alter the gun, costs nothing except a little time.



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Steyr LP-10 shoots high Empty Re: Steyr LP-10 shoots high

Post by John McCormick Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:54 am

Thanks for the responses. I'll either learn not to notice it or shim the front sight.

John McCormick

Posts : 177
Join date : 2014-06-25
Location : SW FL

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Steyr LP-10 shoots high Empty Re: Steyr LP-10 shoots high

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