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Steadier with 1911 iron sights?

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Steadier with 1911 iron sights? Empty Steadier with 1911 iron sights?

Post by beeser 3/23/2015, 7:18 pm

I don't know why but it seems much easier to hold steady with my 1911 with iron sights than my Pardini SPBE with a red dot.  The red dot dances all over the black at best while my iron sights hold steady if I can get the shot off early enough.  Is it because the dot is more sensitive?


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Steadier with 1911 iron sights? Empty Re: Steadier with 1911 iron sights?

Post by KevinB 3/23/2015, 7:39 pm

It's just that the dot shows every wiggle, the gun is moving the same wit the irons.


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Steadier with 1911 iron sights? Empty Re: Steadier with 1911 iron sights?

Post by Froneck 3/24/2015, 1:13 am

Just as Kevin said you will see the slightest movement, learn to accept it and try to make it smaller. That is one of the advantages with red dots, you see more of what your doing so it becomes a better teaching aide. Too many say it better to learn to shoot with iron sights but I disagree! I know when I mounted a red dot I could see my mistakes. Often I seen a jerk and could stop and re-fire getting a good score that would have been a bad one. My son Adam hated iron sights, didn't like using them. Shot only Red Dot, became quite good, I think he shot a 2634 as a Junior. When he went into the AMU he shot on the Ball team as the new shooter and was the high shooter on the team at Perry, Than year he also won the National Match with iron sighted Ball gun!
 So learn to accept your arc of movement, try to make it smaller. It will help you shooting!!


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Steadier with 1911 iron sights? Empty Re: Steadier with 1911 iron sights?

Post by Colt711 3/29/2015, 8:25 pm

If your arc is all over, but in, the black your hold is good, press that trigger getting the surprise break. Nothin will calm your hold like an X!!

Ron Habegger


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Steadier with 1911 iron sights? Empty Re: Steadier with 1911 iron sights?

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