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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Virgil Kane
james r chapman
Rob Kovach
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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by GrumpyOldMan 3/23/2015, 9:56 pm

I've noticed from casual browsing that often our friends here will specify that their latest purchase or ammo test or good score shot with CCI Standard Velocity was the paper box 50-round stuff, or the plastic 100-round box stuff.

Just idle information, or are there reported differences between what gets packaged one way or the other.

Last 200 rounds of rimfire I've been able to get at the LGS has been SV-Plastic.

Just curious?

Do I need to get a bucket of popcorn now?


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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by Rob Kovach 3/23/2015, 10:36 pm

you can use the advanced search function if the answers don't come back before your popcorn is gone.




...just to get you started
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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by LenV 3/23/2015, 10:56 pm

There is a huge difference between paper and plastic. It is a monstrous difference. The CCI SV in paper does not meter well/at all. Want 5 rounds out of plastic then slide it back a row and dump it into your hand. Want 5 rounds out of the paper packs. Just give up and dump the whole box out at once. Since the bullets are the only thing holding the plastic thingy (technical term) in place just removing a couple of rounds makes the whole pile of sticks collapse. I know that is probably not what your asking. But it is a biggy and the only difference I have ever found.


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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by DavidR 3/24/2015, 9:28 am

Read the links, I did extensive research and talked to many CCI techs, to put it in a nut shell, There are 4 levels of CCI SV, only the top 3 are tested for function, consistency lot to lot and accuracy, these are Pistol match, Greentag & Plastic box (100) the paper box stuff is made to  compete with other low cost 22 ammo and only to tested for function. Not to say it cant be accurate but your more likely to get inconsistent or flyers with it.

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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by Rich/WIS 3/24/2015, 9:55 am

Will repack my plastic into paper and use this info as an excuse for the flyers. Not true of course but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.


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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by jmdavis 3/24/2015, 10:00 am


That is very interesting. I recently ran out of plastic box CCI SV and then started experiencing some issues with long ammo in High Standard, Benelli, and Pardini. I also had 1 or 2 rounds per 100 that failed to fire. I had thought that the issue was limited to one lot that I bought almost a year ago when one could order 2 bricks at a time from Midway. I tested with a new lot that I bought a case of in Feb, and it seemed much better, but still had some rounds that were a little long for the Pardini.

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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by AllAces 3/24/2015, 5:56 pm

I've noticed that when I repack my SV from paper to plastic my scores go up.

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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by james r chapman 3/24/2015, 5:58 pm

AllAces wrote:I've noticed that when I repack my SV from paper to plastic my scores go up.

A truer test , truly... lol!
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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by ric1911a1 3/24/2015, 6:38 pm

Many years ago I had a friend who would pick Eley 10X boxes out of the trash at Camp Perry and repack his CCI or T-22 into them.

Said it made him shoot much better.................

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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by KenO 3/24/2015, 7:50 pm

No help on the boxes, but this weekend at a gun show, there were several venders with both plastic and paper CCI SV. There were paper 100s also. Prices were between $13 and $15 a hundred.


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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by TAB 3/25/2015, 12:29 am

I called CCI a month or so ago and asked the same question.  What's the difference between product 0032 and 0035?  The tech rep said one is in a 50-round box and one is in a 100-round box.  Maybe he was correct, maybe he just didn't know there was a difference, maybe he knew and wasn't telling.



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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by james r chapman 3/25/2015, 4:54 am

maybe we should ask CCI why the packaging difference? Hmmm, I think we could get Oliver Stone to investigate this.....
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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by Guest 3/25/2015, 5:49 am

james r chapman wrote:maybe we should ask CCI why the packaging difference? Hmmm, I think we could get Oliver Stone to investigate this.....

I think Geraldo Rivera would do a more thorough investigation.


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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by sixftunda 3/25/2015, 6:06 am

I've shot HM scores with both.  The last time I heard this argument, paper box was better.

One thing that I think makes plastic better is the ammo is protected better in shipment.  Last year I bought two bricks online and when I shot them, several were duds.  There were heavy black marks inside the boxes which lead me to believe it had "been dropped on its head".  When they get slammed down on the bullet it can shake the primer loose from the rim.  Pulling the bullet from the offending round will show yellow primer flecks in the powder.

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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by Virgil Kane 3/25/2015, 7:19 am

Wile E Coyote wrote:
james r chapman wrote:maybe we should ask CCI why the packaging difference? Hmmm, I think we could get Oliver Stone to investigate this.....

I think Geraldo Rivera would do a more thorough investigation.

After the Geraldo Rivera's hour long TV special unveiling Al Capone's secrete vault I would have my doubts about that.

He would probably find out about paper Vs plastic the same as  in the vault ...............................nothing !

CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? 2309170423

I have shot both and the only difference I can see is the same as different lot numbers whether paper or plastic.

I do however same the plastic boxes and put the paper box shells in them. Easier to get just 5 at a time out that way.


Virgil Kane

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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by AllAces 3/25/2015, 8:07 am

sixftunda wrote:I've shot HM scores with both.  The last time I heard this argument, paper box was better.

One thing that I think makes plastic better is the ammo is protected better in shipment.  Last year I bought two bricks online and when I shot them, several were duds.  There were heavy black marks inside the boxes which lead me to believe it had "been dropped on its head".  When they get slammed down on the bullet it can shake the primer loose from the rim.  Pulling the bullet from the offending round will show yellow primer flecks in the powder.
Six, I too remember when paper box was said to be better. Back then I repackaged all my plastic boxes to paper, and my scores went up.

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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by Dave C. 3/25/2015, 9:28 am

I gauged 2 bricks of each and found that the plastic packs are more uniform than the paper packs.  The 
difference on the target is too small to to notice.  I had 3 ftf from the paper packs and none from the plastic.

Dave C.
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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by DavidR 3/25/2015, 9:36 am

All funny stuff, but to all the nay Sayers, that think paper box and the other 3 types of CCI SV are the same , simply pull a bullet out of each and compare the powder, you will see paper box is not the same as the other 3.
 Since some didn't read the links Rob provided about this same topic from before. here is What I found and was confirmed to me by CCI.

"  CCI standard velocity plastic box, green tag and pistol match are all the exact same, the only difference is they sort them by doing lot accuracy tests. CCI standard paper box is the same case and bullet components but loaded with a cheaper bulk powder, the lower price difference is made by using the cheaper powder and the cheaper paper box. This is the story straight from the cci technical department." but if you call they wont give this info without putting them on the spot, I asked why the powder was different and only then did he tell me. It doesn't matter to me what anybody decides to shoot. I just simply wanted you guys to have correct info to decide for yourself, if every point counts and sometimes it does just ask gunny zins then plastic box and the other two grades above it might be a better choice in the nationals or an important match or if your on the cusp of moving up a classification.

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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by GrumpyOldMan 3/25/2015, 2:49 pm

KenO wrote:No help on the boxes, but this weekend at a gun show, there were several venders with both plastic and paper CCI SV. There were paper 100s also. Prices were between $13 and $15 a hundred.
7.99 a hundred here at THIS LGS. When the stuff is here, I guess we're back to normal now.

Never seen a paper 100-pack. Whazzat look like? Paper BULK like the 325s, 500s and 550s, I sure hope not!


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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by GrumpyOldMan 3/25/2015, 3:28 pm

Okay, finally got out and looked in the horse's mouth (to paraphrase a legend I heard...)

CCI Paper, think it was bought fully a year ago:
Bullet: 40.0 gr
Powder: 0.8 gr, very fine cut round flake

CCI Plastic, bought this year:
Bullet: 40.0 gr
Powder: 0.8 gr, very fine cut round flake

Identical in every way that I can measure, short of targeting it from a rest.

Even the green priming compound inside the case looked the same and was distributed similarly.

Not saying the other reports of something different are false, just this is what I found from these lots.


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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by DavidR 3/25/2015, 4:57 pm

CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Img_0013
CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Img_0012
Well ok, if that's what you found in yours could be now that they are scrambling to catch up that they either are loading all with premium powder but my guess is since powder is higher and hard to get its more likely they are using the cheaper bulk powder in all.(which did yours look like GoM?) Which sucks for CCI users.  
 Now all my data  is  pre Obama blowup 22 hoarding, So  I just today for your enjoyment pulled three types the CCI sv ammo, plastic box, paper box and pistol match the plastic and match are 3 years old the paper box came from midway last fall. As you can easily see the plastic and pistol match (second picture)has a different powder than the paperbox stuff. (top picture) So this is how it was. Maybe todays stuff is just not like it once was when the top 3 types were tested and sorted. Just makes me not want to buy any of it myself now.
CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Img_0011

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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by Wobbley 3/25/2015, 6:29 pm

Maybe different lots got different powder.  Remember the ammo companies get large bulk quantities of powder and they adjust accordingly.

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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 3/25/2015, 6:39 pm

at the cost of .22 these days, I would feel terrible about using something other than a trigger to take them apart

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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by C.Perkins 3/25/2015, 8:17 pm

David R;

Could you tell me if the LOT# on the paper box starts with a number or a letter.
Also are the bullets identical in shape and color between plastic and paper box.
Just curious to something I heard years ago about the difference in 0032 and 0035.


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CCI SV: Paper or Plastic? Empty Re: CCI SV: Paper or Plastic?

Post by GrumpyOldMan 3/25/2015, 8:43 pm

The powder I found was black, not silvery like WW-231 used earlier in DavidR's lower pics.

My batch of paper is older than the recent plastic box stuff, but newer than his.

I'd call that pretty good consistency for two product numbers loaded at least a year apart.


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