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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Rob Kovach
Joe L
Steve B
Jack H
james r chapman
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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by 22lover Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:48 pm

Hello All,
I appreciate all of you for the valuable information, I have been new to bullseye, and learned quite a bit from looking at your posts.

I wanted to throw a questions out there to get the bullseye experienced opinions

what current production handguns can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group or better at 50 yards with ransom rest

not limited to 1911's; I know les baer has their guarantee with some of their guns, but are there any others that you know about, revolvers?, striker fired?, or
do high end cz-75's, sig sauer x5's

answers limited to current production guns, can be mass produced custom; any caliber




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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by 22lover Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:03 pm

clarification any centerfire caliber



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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by james r chapman Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:18 pm

Current production, or, readily available?
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by DavidR Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:36 pm

There are not many production guns that offer a 50 yd  accuracy guarantee  other than.you can get a 1911 in 45 or 9mm from Accuracy X , Les baer and rock river that offer it "with match ammo"  . Many guys have had good luck with the Springfield range officer 45 but that's hit or miss  and no guarantee. Best bet is to have one built by a good gunsmith that offers what you want.

As to not limiting it to 1911 in the 45 well that's what works best in this sport imo, centerfire guns then there are some other options but most are modified to do well at 50 yard.

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by Jack H Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:53 pm

Smith revolvers are probably your best bet and only bet on that.  Maybe the Pardini 45.
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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by Froneck Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:04 pm

I doubt the Pardini will shoot that. Better off going with the builders Like Accuracy X, Les Baer etc. rather that Name brand Production guns But they are Pricey


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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by DavidR Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:19 pm

Some say we are negative when all we will endorse are 1911s but
 after decades of new guns and many great shooters trying them when you look at what works and what wins the matches its a 1911. The day may come when something else does better but that day is not today. Yes a pardini 45 will shoot a decent group but there are many posts on the net of a host of issues people have had, and I have yet to ever see one in use at a match. Some revolvers are accurate but the OP wanted guns with garrantees of 50 yd accuracy and I know of none that come with that from the factory.

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by 22lover Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:27 pm

thanks all for replies,
this is more a curiosity on my part than an active search for purchase

my active search was to look for used accurized 1911's at some point

sure James Chapman,
let's open it up to current production or readily available


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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by DavidR Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:35 pm

Watch the commercial row section here and gunbroker,  lots of good used accurate  guns come up for sale by our members.

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by james r chapman Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:37 pm

readily available, I'd also suggest the older revolvers from S&W. Many M14's have shot 3" or better from 50yds.

All depends if you want to be one of them there lazy "self cockers"  lol
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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by SteveT Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:08 pm

As mentioned some S&W revolvers and semi-production bullseye gun makers (Les Baer, Rock River, Cabot, Accuracy X) are accurate enough out of the box.

I think the Sig P210 stopped production a few years ago, but I am sure it would be accurate enough. 

I am pretty sure the Pardini GT9 and GT45 will with the right loads. Probably a Pardini HP in 32ACP would be accurate. Some of the other Euro 32's will with the right loads.

It probably isn't what you are looking for, but I bet some of the AR15 "pistols" could do it.

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by Steve B Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:50 pm

If you talk to STI they claim their 9mm Target Master will shoot under 2" 10 shot groups at 50 yards.
32ACP Pardinis are reported to shoot VERY well when loaded with JHP bullets.  Guys are still working on lead bullet loads.  There's some conversation on Target Talk about this caliber/gun.
I've owned and shot 3 different X5's, was not highly impressed with the accuracy.  Everything else about the gun is very nice however.
Les Baer 1911s will shoot well for awhile.  When they loosed the groups loosen exponentially at the same time.

I'm really surprised that this forum's beloved RO wasn't mentioned...

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by LenV Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:49 pm

Jack H wrote:Smith revolvers are probably your best bet and only bet on that.  Maybe the Pardini 45.

+1 on the revolver

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by KevinB Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:40 pm

Supposedly the Sig P220 Match will do it handily.


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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Not from a Ransom rest and at 100 yards

Post by Joe L Tue Mar 24, 2015 9:22 pm

Here's a little over 4" 6 shot group at 100 yards.  I've done this maybe 5 times.  Not from a Ransom rest.  This is a $450 CZ P-09 with a sight and $200 worth of internals from CGW.  It also has nearly 10k rounds through it. This is from a few weeks ago.  I've also shot two consecutive sub 11" groups with it at 200 yards. 

Joe L

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by Rob Kovach Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:25 pm

Steve B wrote:I'm really surprised that this forum's beloved RO wasn't mentioned...
The .45ACP Springfield Range Officers, Loaded Targets, and Trophy Match models that I've tested have produced right around 3" 10 shot groups.  Some a little over, and others a little under.
Rob Kovach
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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by DeweyHales Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:33 pm

I've got a stock SA Loaded Target that matches Rob's findings.

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by Dipnet Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:50 am

22 Lover,
Certain models of Rock River 45 ACP 1911s come with a 1.5" guarantee at 50 yards; my Limited Match still shoots that or very close to it. While Rock River discontinued their 1911s to focus on ARs, the good news is that they started making them again in 2015. KC Crawford told me that they were one of the 'limited production' manufacturers that assembled their 1911s correctly, high praise I think. That is the only target 1911 I can personally vouch for.

I have a Pardini GT 45, but have only bench rested it at 25 yards (it shot 1-inch groups with several loads). However, it is finicky with lead SWC and have sent it back to Pardini to see if they can correct that problem. It loves Nosler or Zero 185 JHPs, which is a bullet capable of great accuracy. Cheers, dipnet

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by DavidR Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:12 am

Steve B wrote: I'm really surprised that this forum's beloved RO wasn't mentioned...

It was in the second post to the OP, but he wanted guns that came with a accuracy guarantee from the manufacturer, and it doesn't. I should have told him for 400.00 bucks it can be accurized by Dave Salyer and it would shoot that and come with a 2inch at 50 yd guarantee. Still the best option imo for anyone wanting to get started that doesn't have 2-6 k to spend on a 45.

Last edited by DavidR on Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:18 am; edited 2 times in total

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by LenV Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:17 am

The Kimber Super Match II has a 25 yd 1" guarantee. I have the KTM that went through the same process and it is very accurate. I don't have a ransom, but from a rest my pistol will shoot x ring groups at 25 yds. The Super Match is available. They only made 1000 of the KTM's but great pistol if you can find one. I also think the RO makes a great starter pistol. The OP didn't really ask for a guaranteed group. He just mentioned the Les Baer as an example.


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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by 22lover Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:26 pm

thank you all for your information

David R: great advice getting accrurized by Dave Salyer

Also agree with OldMaster65 , pistols don't need to be guaranteed by manufacturer but can be, was also interested in bullseye forum's experience with production gun accuracy

so far what I've heard and read

high end guns around 2k or >
accuracy x, les baer, ed brown, possibly pardini gt45, pardini 32, kimber supermatch ii, Rock River

sig p220 match
springfield RO, loaded target, trophy match, TRP(? , not sure though)
STI target master
CZ p-09
smith and wesson revolvers (m14),
also heard old production dan wesson revolvers
and federal arms revolvers?

interesting enough I also read an article about FN 5.7, shooting 4 inch group 10 shot on sand bag at 50 yards, didn't meet my 3 inch group but still pretty impressive if it is true

what current model smith and wesson revolver would be most inherently accurate for 357/38 chambering? 686 ? I was going to call smith and wesson to see if they have an opinion


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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by DavidR Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:35 pm

Well high end guns start at 4k and up, Accuracy X start at 3500.00, les baer start at 2k, rock river is 2500.00 the range officer is only 800.00 retail and many find them for low 700.00 range then add Dave Salyers 400.00 parts and labor for a kart match barrel and bushing then its 1200.00 or less. Also consider the price of ammo when looking, the only way most of us can afford to shoot it to reload, 45 is relatively cheap to do and loading info and supplies are plentiful.

Tony Brongs bullseye blog did a story on custom guns, interesting read , it will be the second one down when you go to his site.

here is another great resource on whats needed to compete.

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by GrumpyOldMan Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:42 pm

Hmmm, I thought the OP wanted to know what production guns were known to shoot that tight, as in capable.

He mentioned "guarantee" or similar only in connection with one specific maker as one of them that is out in the wild with such capability.

I think the list is probably complete with what's posted above, except for a shortage of specific revolver input. In my experience, S&W revolvers usually do that well with match ammo but not with .357 Magnum ammo. No experience with the .45 revolvers but the reports from others are good. Few people see any accuracy difference between revolvers chambered in .38 Spl and .357 Mag, just stick with .38 ammo. But I had the pleasure of shooting a friend's Dan Wesson a few years ago and it lived up to the accuracy reputation from the long-distance iron critter shooters. The switch-barrel design and quality make for a bullet launcher that is unavoidably stress-relieved from one perspective, and perfectly tensioned for accuracy from another perspective.

So if anyone has more info on Dan Wesson revolvers, please chime in. I know their triggers are not that great, but a good shooter can cope with some minimal level of crispness. Are they still in production though????

What I've read in the Rifleman's testing over the past 30 years, gives me not a lot of hope for production guns shooting 3 inches at 50. One standout was the old Walther P88, a bit expensive but I think it did 1-inch groups at 25 with at least two types of ammo.


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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by JIMPGOV Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:59 pm



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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

Post by Outthere Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:39 pm

what current model smith and wesson revolver would be most inherently accurate for 357/38 chambering? 686 ? I was "going to call smith and wesson to see if they have an opinion"

Don't waste your time calling S&W. Everyone there that knew anything is long gone.

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Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest Empty Re: Any current production handgun that can shoot 10 shot 3 inch group at 50 yards with Ransom Rest

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