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Springs for a .22 conversion question.

Rob Kovach
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Springs for a .22 conversion question. Empty Springs for a .22 conversion question.

Post by TAJ45 Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:47 pm

I'm running low on .22 ammo, have enough CCI to get me about 2/3 of the way to Perry, shooting 2x wkly with the indoor club, some drills in the basement and occasional match.

My stash has some Wolf ME & MT, SK std, some Eley Black EPS which I plan on Ransoming to see what my 41 likes (std factory 5.5 & a Clark) then practicing before Perry.

The main concern is getting the right spring(s) for the lower vel ammo (yes, I know, it's not Pistol ammo).

I've also considered a Marvel or a Nelson and that is the main question - are different springs available for those to tune to the match velocities that are less than the CCI std vel of 1070? 

Anyone know of a Nelson for sale with a couple of mags?


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Springs for a .22 conversion question. Empty Re: Springs for a .22 conversion question.

Post by JayhawkNavy02 Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:11 pm

I have the Nelson and it came with springs to tune the pistol with.

1- 8# Recoil Spring "Light"
1- 9# Recoil Spring "Standard"
1- 10# Recoil Spring "Heavy"

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Springs for a .22 conversion question. Empty Re: Springs for a .22 conversion question.

Post by Rob Kovach Tue Mar 24, 2015 9:14 pm

The Nelson, Advantage Arms, and Nelson can interchange recoil springs.  Depending on the mainspring I'm using, I can go down to a 6# recoil spring for really soft sub-sonic ammo.

I like to order my recoil springs from Marvel because they color-code their springs....there's nothing worse than having a pile of springs that you aren't sure what weight they were.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Springs for a .22 conversion question. Empty Re: Springs for a .22 conversion question.

Post by davekp Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:20 am

S&W model 41 springs work. Wolff makes a pack down to 6#.


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Springs for a .22 conversion question. Empty Re: Springs for a .22 conversion question.

Post by rich.tullo Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:27 am

Once broken in #9 works for most every ammo, never tried sub sonic. 

I would use #10 or a buffer if I used HV ammo. 

I think the springs are good for at least 5000 rounds.

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Springs for a .22 conversion question. Empty Re: Springs for a .22 conversion question.

Post by gitkrunk Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:02 pm

+1 to Rob  COLORS!!!! also marvel sells a pack so you can try them all out.

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Springs for a .22 conversion question. Empty Re: Springs for a .22 conversion question.

Post by Colt711 Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:57 pm

I have 2 Marvel Conversions, an original Marvel, and a Bob M MarvelPro. I recently bought a steel slide from Marvel for the former. It has given me a fair amount of feeding grief since. There were 3 sprgs included which I installed.(one)! A week or so ago I cut one of them and that helped but still am not there. I have used Eley Sport, and Rem HV solids. The Sport was too weak so I clipped the white color coded sprg but no cigar. The rem was tried mostly because it was on hand and I wanted to try a higher velocity. The Marvelpro is very reliable. I have a case of Aguila & 2k of Aguila Match (higher velocity). After that only a few hundred of 3 or 4 flavors. Enough to try but if something works can it be found.

Just one man's trials & tribulations.

Ron Habegger


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Springs for a .22 conversion question. Empty Re: Springs for a .22 conversion question.

Post by gitkrunk Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:53 pm

marvel has more springs then what is on the website if you call them.  i think they even go down to 4lb

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