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1911 in .32 ACP

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1911 in .32 ACP Empty 1911 in .32 ACP

Post by BE Mike 3/25/2015, 2:19 pm

With the promise of the accuracy out of Pardini pistols chambered in .32 ACP, can a .32 ACP conversion, along the line of the Nelson .22 conversions, be far behind? I'm sure that the biggest obstacle would be a good magazine.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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1911 in .32 ACP Empty Re: 1911 in .32 ACP

Post by dronning 3/25/2015, 4:46 pm

I was thinking the exact same thing.  

Use Bob Marvels design with slightly heavier bolt and springs, very low recoil. 

Starline Brass jumping into .32acp production would eliminate the brass availability issue.  You have the Hornady 60 gr XTP bullets with 1" accuracy or the lead SWC that being worked on (thread in Target Talk) that's getting near 1" and solidly under 1.5".

It wouldn't have the trigger of a Pardini, but I'd bet it would be a big seller.

- Dave

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1911 in .32 ACP Empty Re: 1911 in .32 ACP

Post by Rob Kovach 3/25/2015, 6:48 pm

The Nelson Custom Guns guys are on this forum.....I wonder if they are seeing this post......Hmmmmm
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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1911 in .32 ACP Empty Re: 1911 in .32 ACP

Post by dan allen 3/25/2015, 7:48 pm

There was some talk on this very subject on the old e-mail based Bullseye List at lava net a few years ago. I saved a few of them and just reread them when I saw this thread. Most posters agreed something with a fixed barrel and blow back slide like the Marvel was the way to go. A couple suggested solving the magazine issue by placing a .32 acp magazine inside an altered 1911 .45 magazine. I was intrigued by the idea at the time and hoped somebody would run with it but I don't think anyone did.

dan allen

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1911 in .32 ACP Empty Re: 1911 in .32 ACP

Post by Wes Lorenz 3/25/2015, 9:19 pm

A picture of a Dave Wilson Modified ERMA ESP-85A in .32acp.
Bullets are 71gr cowboy, Accurate Molds 60gr, 65gr lead sized .312"OD & 60gr XTP (.311" OD).
A test target fired from a rest with red dot sight.
Highest match score 883.
A Bersa .32acp magazine fits perfetly inside a 1911 .45 mag (welded in) if you want to try this in a 1911 frame.
1911 in .32 ACP UZJgkIssmYMbUrVFNfYTQ_QmLS97lZcHNb7ITklSFWI=w321-h214-p-no1911 in .32 ACP LHx-nR3SNGbgm_iOBIeL3zHVCt31Slr5FUD9qsh_218=w338-h207-p-no1911 in .32 ACP -oT0cmUDiZYYqWW-toKNfY1nC86GjELsz9FnV58PY8E=w295-h221-p-no
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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1911 in .32 ACP Empty Re: 1911 in .32 ACP

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