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I'm looking for a 1911 GS

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I'm looking for a 1911 GS Empty I'm looking for a 1911 GS

Post by Jerry Goldfarb Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:07 pm

OK, I just came back from my first 1500 match with my new to me Preowned Kimber Classic. Seven yards was fantastic, 15 yards not bad, 25 yards needs help, and 50 yards fuhgettaboudit! I shot it as received and it now has fixed sights. Shooting low off the paper at 50 yards (Yikes!). I’m looking for a 1911 GS that can install adj sights (it would be nice if he had a used Aristocrat set lying around), and accurize it with match barrel, bushing, etc. Trigger seems OK as is. Please contact me directly with an approx cost and most importantly time frame. My next match is 10/9 and I would hate to miss it. Thanks. Jerry
Jerry Goldfarb
Jerry Goldfarb

Posts : 81
Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 86
Location : South Florida

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