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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

james r chapman
BE Mike
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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

Post by hongach 4/10/2015, 11:11 am

Are any of you folks shooting jacketed and lead bullets during the same match.

I am under the impression that it is okay to shoot lead after shooting jacketed
since the softer lead is on top of the copper fouling.

I was thinking of using the 185 JHP for the long line and then 185 SWC for the short line
which I have heard many people do.

Now since I use my 1911 for both the center-fire match and the .45 match
what do most folks do for the .45 match since now they will be shooting copper over lead.


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Post by DavidR 4/10/2015, 12:13 pm

I have several friends that do and they clean the gun after each 2700 match and it works good for them.

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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Re: Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

Post by BE Mike 4/10/2015, 1:15 pm

hongach wrote:Are any of you folks shooting jacketed and lead bullets during the same match.

I am under the impression that it is okay to shoot lead after shooting jacketed
since the softer lead is on top of the copper fouling.

I was thinking of using the 185 JHP for the long line and then 185 SWC for the short line
which I have heard many people do.

Now since I use my 1911 for both the center-fire match and the .45 match
what do most folks do for the .45 match since now they will be shooting copper over lead.
When I was shooting well, it wasn't uncommon for me to use the Nosler at the long line and Star swaged at the short line. Without cleaning between CF and .45 matches, I often shot in the mid to high 90's in .45 slow fire. I have Kart barrels. The shots outside the 10 were my error. Different barrels (even Kart) and guns may behave differently.
BE Mike
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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Re: Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

Post by 243winxb 4/10/2015, 5:49 pm

I would not mix J & L without testing.  The difference in 22lr lubes between brands, can change group size and point of impact when switching without cleaning. It may take as many as 10 rounds of the new ammo to return to normal.

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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Re: Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

Post by dronning 4/10/2015, 6:38 pm

243winxb wrote:...The difference in 22lr lubes between brands, can change group size and point of impact when switching without cleaning. It may take as many as 10 rounds of the new ammo to return to normal.

I know this was a huge deal when I was shooting rifle but I've made the switch of 22 ammo on the short line and still kept them in the 10 ring.

I've also been considering making the switch to 185gr JHP for the long line and a 185gr LSWC for the short line. A HM I shoot with in the winter convinced me to give it a try.

- Dave


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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Re: Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

Post by LenV 4/10/2015, 7:34 pm

I switch back and forth all the time. At the speeds were shooting the lead bullets I have never seen any leading in the barrel. There is a POI change but you are going from the long line to the short line and unless your one of the lucky individuals that never have to change your sights then that is kind of moot. I have a zero for the long line (J) and change my zero for the short line(L). If I shoot all lead then it is my long line zero that is different. Were only talking 1 or 2 clicks here. I run a bore snake thru it between 900's but that is more to get the gunk from BE powder off the feed ramp. Now, if your shooting a Glock different story. Don't shoot lead... ever. Smile


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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Re: Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

Post by BE Mike 4/11/2015, 9:04 am

I have noticed that a lot of folks post rifle experiences on this forum and expect that they are applicable to bullseye pistol shooting. Some might be, but some are not. For the most part they are different animals. Our pistols are much less picky than rifles, given that we have a good bullseye pistol.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Re: Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

Post by DeweyHales 4/11/2015, 11:25 am

BE Mike wrote:I have noticed that a lot of folks post rifle experiences on this forum and expect that they are applicable to bullseye pistol shooting. Some might be, but some are not. For the most part they are different animals. Our pistols are much less picky than rifles, given that we have a good bullseye pistol.
I think it's more that pistols don't shoot very far.

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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Re: Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

Post by BE Mike 4/11/2015, 3:47 pm

DeweyHales wrote:
BE Mike wrote:I have noticed that a lot of folks post rifle experiences on this forum and expect that they are applicable to bullseye pistol shooting. Some might be, but some are not. For the most part they are different animals. Our pistols are much less picky than rifles, given that we have a good bullseye pistol.
I think it's more that pistols don't shoot very far.
Don't tell Jerry Miculek that! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ3XwizTqDw
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Re: Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

Post by james r chapman 4/11/2015, 5:25 pm

Or those that shot revolver at those 200m silhouette targets!!
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Re: Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

Post by teg2658 4/13/2015, 8:15 am

Jacketed on the long line, cast on the short line then clean between CF and 45. Always worked well for me.
Tom Ginovsky


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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Re: Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

Post by GrumpyOldMan 4/15/2015, 1:35 am

I don't see a problem. If the bullet fit is proper and a DECENT lube is used, there will be not enough lead fouling, if any, to affect accuracy over a session of 100 rounds of lead, or even more.

Just test it as suggested above, and know your zero changes, if they are different.


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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Re: Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

Post by Motorcycle_dan 4/18/2015, 8:01 pm

Alan Barcon a HM shooter does this and cleans between the long and short line.  He takes the full 10 minutes on the last SF stage to scrub the bore with a dry .50 cal wire brush.  Then drags a bore snake through it.  After the last shots on the short line he does the same thing to prep the barrel for the next Long line jackets. 
I am a monkey see monkey do type when it comes to people who out score me just a tad.  All it has to do is make the difference in a close 9 or a wide 10.  Then again is Alan wore a feather in his cap to improve the group size, I'd likely be looking for a feather myself...
So if you are interested I'll be selling Cap Feathers on swap me day at the Nationals if I bump into HM class.

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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Jacketed

Post by srp 6/21/2023, 7:54 pm

When I shot a 2700 we shot 22, CF, lunch, 45.

There was time to clean your barrel after CF but not after CF, slow fire.

I was always told that the problem is not with lead over jacketed but jacketed over lead.

If this is true cleaning after CF is fine.

I would think is Noslers were priced the same as lead we would shoot them for all CF/45.

I guess they are a bit snappy with N310

Susan.....in sunny Florida

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Post by weber1b 6/25/2023, 8:39 pm

I think it's all much ado about nothing. I've been doing it for years, no special cleaning. My gunsmith told me no big deal so I have never worried about it.


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Post by Froneck 6/25/2023, 9:30 pm

I don't interchange the bullets, However there is a HM at my club that will shoot Jacket at long line, lead at short line and do nothing to clean the barrel between the change.


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Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match. Empty Re: Jacketed for the long line Lead Wad Cutter for the short line during the same match.

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