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Quick new gun purchases education?

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Quick new gun purchases education? Empty Quick new gun purchases education?

Post by beeser 4/11/2015, 5:40 pm

I purchased a couple of pistols at auction today and would like to get some input on them.  They're probably not Bullseye related but I found them interesting nonetheless.  I knew a little about the second one listed below beforehand while researching fixed barrel centerfire pistols but the other one is a complete mystery to me other than seeing them in the movies.  They are ...

1040/42 Luger pistol, 9mm - Numbers match if that makes a difference but it has two different dates between the upper and lower.
Makarov 9mm x 18mm with adjustable rear sights

I wanted the Makarov just to see how a fixed barrel design works and understand the adjustable sight versions were made for the civilian market.  Both came with leather holsters and 2 magazines.  Anything anyone can tell me about them is an improvement on what I know.


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Quick new gun purchases education? Empty Re: Quick new gun purchases education?

Post by Wobbley 4/11/2015, 7:17 pm

The Luger wouldn't be marked 1940 on the chamber and "S/42" on the long toggle?

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Quick new gun purchases education? Empty Re: Quick new gun purchases education?

Post by front sight 4/11/2015, 9:58 pm

Matching numbers makes a huge difference on a Luger! If you paid less than $1000 for it, and maybe even more, it's more likely that the parts were made to match. A genuinely all matching Luger is pretty valuable. Usually the side plate is faked as that is what was thrown away to disable the gun when the soldier was captured. 

The folks at lugerforum.com will be glad to tell you what you have.

front sight

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Quick new gun purchases education? Empty Re: Quick new gun purchases education?

Post by beeser 4/11/2015, 11:48 pm

Wobbley wrote:The Luger wouldn't be marked 1940 on the chamber and "S/42" on the long toggle?
It's marked 1940 on the barrel and 42 on the top flat most piece, which also has the last three numbers of the serial number.  The last three numbers are all over.  If S/42 is stamped somewhere I haven't seen it yet.

Last edited by beeser on 4/12/2015, 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total


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Quick new gun purchases education? Empty Re: Quick new gun purchases education?

Post by beeser 4/12/2015, 12:01 am

front sight wrote:Matching numbers makes a huge difference on a Luger! If you paid less than $1000 for it, and maybe even more, it's more likely that the parts were made to match. A genuinely all matching Luger is pretty valuable. Usually the side plate is faked as that is what was thrown away to disable the gun when the soldier was captured. 

The folks at lugerforum.com will be glad to tell you what you have.
Yes, I paid a little less than a grand for the Luger.  I have no idea if the side plate is faked but it looks like has the same wear and patina as the rest of the gun.  It also has the last three digits of the serial number.  It wasn't my intention to purchase the gun as an investment.  I'm not knowledgeable enough about collector guns for that.  I went to the auction for the Makarov and thought the Luger would be interesting to see how it's put together.  It feels nice holding it and it's definitely distinctive.  Very cool looking gun.


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Quick new gun purchases education? Empty Re: Quick new gun purchases education?

Post by Wobbley 4/12/2015, 9:23 am

What you most likely have is a 1940 Mauser built (S/42) Luger.

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Quick new gun purchases education? Empty Re: Quick new gun purchases education?

Post by Rob Kovach 4/12/2015, 9:46 am

CMP says your Luger is allowed for EIC matches.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Quick new gun purchases education? Empty Re: Quick new gun purchases education?

Post by front sight 4/12/2015, 11:46 am

beeser wrote:
front sight wrote:Matching numbers makes a huge difference on a Luger! If you paid less than $1000 for it, and maybe even more, it's more likely that the parts were made to match. A genuinely all matching Luger is pretty valuable. Usually the side plate is faked as that is what was thrown away to disable the gun when the soldier was captured. 

The folks at lugerforum.com will be glad to tell you what you have.
Yes, I paid a little less than a grand for the Luger.  I have no idea if the side plate is faked but it looks like has the same wear and patina as the rest of the gun.  It also has the last three digits of the serial number.  It wasn't my intention to purchase the gun as an investment.  I'm not knowledgeable enough about collector guns for that.  I went to the auction for the Makarov and thought the Luger would be interesting to see how it's put together.  It feels nice holding it and it's definitely distinctive.  Very cool looking gun.
Lugers are really cool and they are made with A LOT of parts! There are some good videos on taking it apart and putting it together. Here are a couple that looked good.
Disassembly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-yKfdKUiPw
Assembly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td1LjuxJBKk

front sight

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