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Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ?

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Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ? Empty Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ?

Post by kjanracing 4/12/2015, 6:24 pm

i just went through the last of my 1000 rounds of Quality Cartridges 200 gr LSWC.  Cheap, but seemed to be pretty inconsistent.  Current shooting new 230FMJ from Freedom Munitons. I like these.  They also have 200 gr FMJs, higher velocity than the 230s.  Would there be any reason to shoot the 200s?  Any inherent accuracy differences between the two?  Or would it just depend on the gun?   I will look at reloading in a while, the time just isn't there right now.  Thanks!
Edit, right now I'm shooting indoors at 25 yards,  slow, timed, and rapid.

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Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ? Empty Re: Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ?

Post by Jon Eulette 4/12/2015, 7:07 pm

If you load the 230's to slower wadgun velocities you won't notice a difference in the accuracy. But jacketed bullets do have a different recoil impulse compared to lead bullets. So shoot'em up. Also at 25 yds in a good pistol they are sub 1" capable.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ? Empty Re: Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ?

Post by Wobbley 4/12/2015, 7:22 pm

Rather than buying a pig in a poke, Google roze distributors and see their line of reloads using Zero bullets.  Roze is the retailer for zero bullets they will reload your brass or sell you reloads.  I suggest the zero 185 swaged SWC for 25 indoor.  They may have a copper bullet if your range requires them.

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Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ? Empty Re: Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ?

Post by kjanracing 4/13/2015, 7:26 am

Thanks, I'll consider them when I'm close to reordering.  So far the freedom rounds have been good.

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Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ? Empty Re: Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ?

Post by JayhawkNavy02 4/13/2015, 12:22 pm

Don't forget to check Magnus as well.  Terry the owner is a High Master, answers emails, and is an absolute gentleman.   I've used his 801N and loading his 185gr JHP J187 bullet.  He shipped very fast, prices were great, the bullets were packaged very well and no middle man.  Can't say enough positive things.  The consistency from belt to bullet in dimesnsions and weight is spectacular.  I haven't tried them, but I also plan on ordering some of his 185 gr SWCHP bullets.

IMO Terry's product is more focused on BE shooters and Freedom is more action sports.


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Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ? Empty Re: Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ?

Post by DavidR 4/13/2015, 2:35 pm

I think the op is ordering loaded ammo.

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Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ? Empty Re: Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ?

Post by JayhawkNavy02 4/13/2015, 4:15 pm

Oops.  For factory ammunition, which I had to buy recently before reloading, I liked Atlanta Arms.  Much cheaper and very accurate is NSK.


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Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ? Empty Re: Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ?

Post by kjanracing 4/14/2015, 7:20 am

Thanks, I was really asking difference between loaded 200 vs 230, is one was inherently more accurate or better suited to target shooting.
I called the guy at NSK and sent an e mail ordering 500.   Never got an answer back.  Maybe I'll get it, maybe not.  It's been several weeks now.  Oh well.  I do enjoy shooting hardball.

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Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ? Empty Re: Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ?

Post by JayhawkNavy02 4/14/2015, 8:54 am

I prefer 200 grain LSWC over 230.  I've been shooting 185gr LSWC as well and incredibly happy with the light loads and lead bullets.  You can get both from NSK.

Last edited by JayhawkNavy02 on 4/14/2015, 9:50 am; edited 1 time in total

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Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ? Empty Re: Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ?

Post by DavidR 4/14/2015, 9:43 am

Do want to shoot fmj or lead? Don't know any 230 lead wad cutters so if you want a lighter more accurate less recoiling load go with a 200 lswc , the hg 68 style is the most popular and most accurate.less recoil plus will in most cases result in better scores.

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Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ? Empty Re: Accuracy diff between 200 & 230 gr FMJ?

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