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Is Camp Perry open to the public to watch?

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Is Camp Perry open to the public to watch? Empty Is Camp Perry open to the public to watch?

Post by igolfat8 4/20/2015, 12:18 pm

I've never been to Camp Perry nor even watched a Bullseye competition. Is the event open to the public to watch? What are the dates and when is the best day(s) to go? What does it cost to get in? Do they have any general information classes or clinics for the public to explain what is going on or do you just meander around and try to figure it out? Sorry for all of the noob questions.


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Is Camp Perry open to the public to watch? Empty Re: Is Camp Perry open to the public to watch?

Post by Rob Kovach 4/20/2015, 3:49 pm

Yes, Camp Perry is open for spectators.
Here's a link to the calendar: http://thecmp.org/wp-content/uploads/NMCalendar.pdf
The SAFS class on Monday is really the only "clinic"...it's good for Noobs.

Scoring is not realtime for the spectators, so to watch what's going on, there is the meander around and figure it out thing.

If I were going to recommend one day to observe the national matches, I would advise that Saturday/.45 day would be the day.  There will be feedback regarding which shooters are in the hunt for the win.  There will be chatter in the area where you can watch about what is happening out there, and if you decide to stay into the evening you can go to the awards banquet after the team matches.

If you look for the teams that would be from your area, you will learn alot by talking to those shooters as well.  It will help you network with those shooters and help you get to your first match.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Age : 51
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Is Camp Perry open to the public to watch? Empty Re: Is Camp Perry open to the public to watch?

Post by SteveT 4/20/2015, 5:06 pm

The CMP / AMU Small Arms Firing School is the only class / instruction unless you are a junior. I'm sorry I can't verify the link here at work. I highly recommend it if you are not a bullseye shooter, just starting out or not sure about coming to Camp Perry. It is on Monday, and you have to arrive on Sunday to register. You get the chance to fire on the range, though this is precision pistol, so if you are into blasting away it may seem short and not very many rounds.

Camp Perry is not set up for spectators. Only active shooters are allowed forward of the ready line which I think is 25 yards behind the long line benches or 75 yards from the targets. You can hear the commands and see the line shooting (it is pretty neat to see 80 or so people shooting rapid fire. If you are watching a specific person or want to watch the targets you need a strong spotting scope. There are no bleachers, so bring a folding chair.

On the plus side, there is no entrance fee and no restrictions on where you go except on the range. You can visit the shops on vendors row and hang out with shooters behind the line and at the picnic tables by the food trailers.

If you really want to see how things work, but don't want to shoot, volunteer. Most of the line officers are volunteers. Then you will be right up there with the shooters and go down to the targets when they are scored. Volunteers work long days, from about 7am until 4-5pm most days, but if you can take the time, it seems like a great way to participate without shooting. More Information is available here.

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