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registration at perry regional in canton?

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registration at perry regional in canton? Empty registration at perry regional in canton?

Post by orpheoet 4/21/2015, 7:53 am

So any thoughts on how I register for small arms pistol at Perry while I'm at Regional? Do I really have to drive out there after the 1911 day? I think I'll be shooting the EIC that day too in Canton.

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registration at perry regional in canton? Empty Re: registration at perry regional in canton?

Post by SteveT 4/21/2015, 11:17 am

IIRC it is only a 2 hour drive and in-processing at Perry is open until 8pm (I think) or later.

If you really can't arrive on Sunday you can PROBABLY arrive Monday morning and still participate. I think In processing opens at the same time as SAFS begins, so arrive early so you are in the front of the line (if there is one) and then go directly to the theater. You will miss the intro, but probably make it in time for the safety briefing. If you miss the safety briefing or don't get the stamp on your score card you will not be allowed to shoot on the range.

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registration at perry regional in canton? Empty Re: registration at perry regional in canton?

Post by Rob Kovach 4/21/2015, 11:30 am

You really should be able to make it from canton to Camp Perry in time for registration.

As a marksman, and for me as a Sharpshooter, I'm thinking of not shooting EIC at Canton so I don't burn one of my 5 EIC matches there.  I think there will be better odds of me winning at the Camp Perry EIC matches on Tuesday and Saturday.

Plus, I have to get back to Perry early because I have to hand out keys for my team's huts....
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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