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Browning Hi-Power?

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Browning Hi-Power? Empty Browning Hi-Power?

Post by rap36case Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:19 pm

I have collected 3 Browning Hi-Powers over the years. I just like the feel and function of the pistol. I'm also new to the idea of Bullseye, based on an article by Larry Leutenegger about custom built handguns.

Is it possible to make a custom Bullseye handgun from a Browning FN in 9mm? If so, who would be the best gunsmith to do the job?

I have read that 1 to 2" groups at 50 yards from a machine rest is a good place to start.


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Join date : 2015-04-27
Age : 71
Location : Texas

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Browning Hi-Power? Empty Re: Browning Hi-Power?

Post by DavidR Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:54 pm

Many have tried to get the 9mm accurate at 50 yards and most times it requires a barrel change and very accurate ammo. Not sure if a match barrel is available for the HP and have heard no one talk here about gunsmiths that build on that gun.

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Browning Hi-Power? Empty Re: Browning Hi-Power?

Post by rap36case Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:02 pm

Bar Sto and Karl make match barrels that must be fitted by a good pistolsmith. After reading the article by Leuteneeger, I looked up the Bullseye pistolsmiths in Texas. I also know Cylinder and Slide has worked on FN hi-power for decades an exclusively uses Bar Sto.

I am hoping the FN 9mm is up to it.


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Age : 71
Location : Texas

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Browning Hi-Power? Empty Re: Browning Hi-Power?

Post by Wobbley Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:23 pm

I would talk to cylinder and slide to see if it can be done.  They used to build some very good HP based 9mm guns in the 80s for the run and gun shooters.

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