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22 Long Rifle chamber checker

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22 Long Rifle chamber checker Empty 22 Long Rifle chamber checker

Post by dhenry132 5/2/2015, 9:34 am

Does anyone know of a chamber check for a 22 LR match. Something like the ECW chamber checkers.
Really do not what else to call it. Have thought about getting a gunsmith the chamber a piece of metal with a match reamer and use that.
I have been running into a lot of over sized/ out of round 22 LR lately.
Thanks in advance for help.

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22 Long Rifle chamber checker Empty Re: 22 Long Rifle chamber checker

Post by DavidR 5/2/2015, 10:29 am

what type of gun? my aw93 has a tight chamber and only likes eley, sk, lapua and aguila. I had the chamber checked and the fernwerkbau service person melted a special metal into the chamber then when it dried he checked it then he used a match reamer to re check, it took out the tiniest sliver, I could barely see it. Still only likes  the same ammo. Have you checked your chamber? use a 25 cal brass brush to make sure it is super clean with no lead build up, may times this is the cause. I was running into federal 711b target ammo that was too big to chamber fully.

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22 Long Rifle chamber checker Empty Re: 22 Long Rifle chamber checker

Post by dhenry132 5/2/2015, 11:15 am

Pistol is a Hammerli 280, Chamber is spotless.
I wanted a way to check diameter of case. It shoots most everything well.
In matches I usually use Eley tenex or match pistol with out any problems.
It also likes CCI SV, but the chamber is a little tight for most of it. Because CCI SV is so much cheaper I like to practice with it, but I need a easy way to check diameter of the case because some fit fine and others do not.
I guess I'm getting cheap

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22 Long Rifle chamber checker Empty My Chamber Simulator

Post by jerry lehrer 5/3/2015, 12:43 am

I made a chamber checker by drilling and reaming a 1"x1" square of .080 thick stainless steel to the exact size that a pistol match reamer

Did that with different reamers as required, ten years ago.  Worked very well to my satisfaction.

Jerry Lehrer

jerry lehrer

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22 Long Rifle chamber checker Empty Re: 22 Long Rifle chamber checker

Post by DavidR 5/4/2015, 10:05 am

when I wanted to shoot my federal 711b  I simply found the biggest round that chambered then miked the rounds using a digital caliper and made two piles one that fit and those that wouldn't. took me less than 10 minutes to have enough for a match. I usually had 10 to 15 rounds per box that were too big.

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Age : 70
Location : NRA:Expert, Georgia

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