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Air Pistol Scoring?

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Air Pistol Scoring? Empty Air Pistol Scoring?

Post by beeser 5/4/2015, 8:02 am

How do you score a 10m air pistol target?  Is it essentially the same as NRA 25yd. or 50yd. targets used in Bullseye?  And what about the 10 - 10.9 scoring that shows up in air pistol competitions?


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Join date : 2014-06-19

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Air Pistol Scoring? Empty Re: Air Pistol Scoring?

Post by C.Perkins 5/4/2015, 8:49 am

Look up "B-40" 10m air pistol targets.(much smaller)
If pellet hole breaks the line of higher ring then higher score just like bullseye.
10 - 10.9 is from using electronic targets that can hone in on if it is a scratch 10 or dead center 10.9


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Air Pistol Scoring? Empty Re: Air Pistol Scoring?

Post by Ed Hall 5/4/2015, 8:54 am

Yes, you score essentially the same as other targets.  The decimal value scoring is only used for the finals portion of bigger matches.  It basically adds extra rings between the existing ones, through use of a scoring plug or electronics.

Ed Hall

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Air Pistol Scoring? Empty Re: Air Pistol Scoring?

Post by beeser 5/4/2015, 9:30 am

Thanks for clearing up the scoring.  I'm using the 10m air pistol targets from Krueger.  Even though the target is smaller the effect at 10m is strangely similar to Bullseye targets at greater distances.

BTW, what's an average good 60 shot score?


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Join date : 2014-06-19

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Air Pistol Scoring? Empty Re: Air Pistol Scoring?

Post by BE Mike 5/4/2015, 10:15 am

A score in the 540's will win most local matches in this area and sometimes a lot less (520). A score in the 550's might get you the state championship. The 580's might get you selected for the U.S. Team.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Air Pistol Scoring? Empty AP scoring

Post by KelseyECS 5/7/2015, 5:31 pm

Master is 93% (558/600) and Expert is 88% (528/600).  Juniors and women traditionally fire 40 shot matches and everyone else typically fire 60 shots.

Air pistol competition is the best way to shoot, shoot a lot, shoot conveniently and enjoy your shooting.  (At least if you have a "real" job and can't shoot a 45 in your backyard).  It takes less than an hour to shoot 60 quality slow fire shots; less time than most people getting to and from the firearm range.  You can do it at day or night and in any weather.  I spent about 10 years shooting AP alone, only returning to conventional pistol when my vision (and right hand/left eye status) threw my AP scores into a dive.

The worst thing about AP is that (for me and for most people) is the lack of local shoulder-to-shoulder competition.  It's nice to be getting back to shooting in the sun with other people instead of firing postal leagues in the basement.

Of course the best solution is to shoot both events.


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