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Frankford Arsenal Wet tumbler-warning?

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Frankford Arsenal Wet tumbler-warning? Empty Frankford Arsenal Wet tumbler-warning?

Post by Russ OR 5/8/2015, 2:21 pm

Running 1K 45 acp cases today (8th-9th use) mine stopped turning after an hour and started making a Growling sound.

I was outside – the wife fortunately noticed the growling sound & called me.


The 4 small motor mount screws inside had backed out & let the nylon gears separate. –  Remove bottom- push things together-snug the 4 screws up (easy fix). It’s working normally again.

So: especially if you’re not in earshot of it while it’s running – check & snug those screws occasionally. –
I still like it.
I’ll call the company sometime & let you know what they say. Maybe they have a permanent fix?-  I know they’re good on warranty.   -- - Russ

Russ OR

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Frankford Arsenal Wet tumbler-warning? Empty Re: Frankford Arsenal Wet tumbler-warning?

Post by Skid 5/8/2015, 5:47 pm

Good to know thanks . I have a friend that has one I'll pass this on.


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Frankford Arsenal Wet tumbler-warning? Empty Re: Frankford Arsenal Wet tumbler-warning?

Post by GrumpyOldMan 5/19/2015, 12:46 am

I'd apply red Loc-Tite ASAP.

Even with screws going into hard plastic like nylon, it helps a lot. In metal, it's da Bomb.

I am happy to report, BTW, that first-generation Dillon vibratory tumblers of the smaller size have motors that will NOT overheat dangerously (like not even to 200° F!) if they get jammed into not rotating. Long story, but now I have a reliable fix for them losing power transmission/rotation function, to the red rubber shaft bearing mounts thinning out from vibration.


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