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slump......stuggle- struggle

dan allen
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slump......stuggle- struggle Empty slump......stuggle- struggle

Post by Paper-Puncher 9/25/2011, 4:18 pm

As of late Ive been in a terrible slump.....my slow fire with all 3 guns ( IZH-46m, Ruger MKIII 5.5/red dot , Ruger MKIII 678 tapered target/open sights) has stayed the same but my timed & rapid have totally gone away......most of my shoots are going low and left some even out of the scoreing black ....I know most of this is a trigger control issue and I need to slow down some but as hard as I try my slump continues.....I wonder if some of this could be a grip issue? my ruger 5.5 with the red dot has hogue rubber target grips on it and my 678 tapered target has herrit national match stocks ......I tend to use the red dot gun for timed and rapid and the 678 for slow fire as I like shooting slow fire with open sights much more satisfying when my scores are up......i wonder if the 2 different grips are fueling my slump ? my timed and rapid scores where always in the 85-92 range but now I dont even score the targets as there bad.........as anyone had a slump like this? what did you do to get out of it? I ownly shoot as a hobby but I really enjoy this sport and want to be as good as possible even if for only personnal satisfaction.....


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slump......stuggle- struggle Empty Re: slump......stuggle- struggle

Post by dan allen 9/25/2011, 7:33 pm

As one who has been through my own share of slumps the best advice I can give you is don't fight it. Keep doing what worked for you before. Don't change your gun or ammo or scope or grips or stance or......
Relax and keep shooting. The slump will pass. Good luck and keep us posted.

dan allen

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slump......stuggle- struggle Empty Re: slump......stuggle- struggle

Post by Jack H 9/25/2011, 9:06 pm

You are switching around too much. Pick a gun and grip that is the most comfortable and stick with it. I suggest even going back to the original Ruger slab type grip panels. (If your hand is real long, a different, but basic grip might be better. Like the Hogue finger groove) Use some traction tape on bare front and back straps.
Jack H
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slump......stuggle- struggle Empty Re: slump......stuggle- struggle

Post by Paper-Puncher 9/25/2011, 10:30 pm


I'm starting to leen that way.....I'll probably get another set of the Herrit national match grips.....as I like the palm shelf and the grip just seems to be "right" the stock ruger grips just dont cut it for me Ive got a pretty large hand and the gun just tends to get lost in it with the stock panels........and my IZH has the palm shelf thumb rest thing so the the herrits will be my next purchase..........


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slump......stuggle- struggle Empty Re: slump......stuggle- struggle

Post by Gunny Zins 9/28/2011, 12:31 am

Paper puncher,

Stop! For all things fundamentally correct please do not purchase a Herrit National Match Grip until you have tried to grip the gun correctly.

Please go to my web site and read my article on grip. http://www.brianzins.com/2010/06/11/grip/
Gunny Zins
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slump......stuggle- struggle Empty Re: slump......stuggle- struggle

Post by Rob Kovach 9/29/2011, 8:36 am

I recently started following the gunny's grip technique and must say that it wasn't easy, but the biggest thing I have noticed is that my movement absolutely stops when the trigger is moving. It's awesome! All I have to do now is abort my shot when the movement stops in the 8 ring!Laughing
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slump......stuggle- struggle Empty Re: slump......stuggle- struggle

Post by Paper-Puncher 9/30/2011, 10:51 pm


Thx for the reply. I ordered another set of the herrits before I saw your respone. But I do understand your grip and believe that how I'm gripping my guns.....I only have this issue with the hogue grips....I did some playin around with my stance and have started to go thru a step by step process of gettin into postion and it has really helped . but I will try your grip with the hogues again this wkend ....I shot a group with my IZH-46m lastnight that was just a big 10 shot hole...best target ever.....the way I grip a gun for target is I basic make a U with the area between my index finger and thumb then slide the gun in ,my thumb just lays on the shelf while my index and middle fingers push the gun straight into the the web of my hand the trigger finger makes no grip contact at all and the pincky is much like the thumb just kinda lays there....when I do this correctly and My postion is correct I can raise the gun with my eyes closed and when I open them my sights are in line with the bull ..........now I need to really work on my trigger control during the timed and rapid strings .Ive fallin into a bad habit of feeling rushed and slapping at the trigger as my sights or dot dance around the bull......during slow fire or 10m air pistol , I'm not haveing any issues that I can see other than ocasionally I will push the gun and throw a shoot high .

Thx Keith


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slump......stuggle- struggle Empty Re: slump......stuggle- struggle

Post by DavidR 10/2/2011, 11:20 am

Low left shots are from jerking the trigger, practice pulling the trigger smoothly without moving the dot or sights.

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