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Need A Classification Change Lesson

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Need A Classification Change Lesson Empty Need A Classification Change Lesson

Post by dsandula Tue May 19, 2015 6:40 am

Please give me a quick classification change lesson.  I'm currently rated a Sharpshooter in 22 by the NRA.  I finished my second match of an 8 match summer season last night with a season average of 265.  We shoot 4 national match courses in a days match.  (Actually, we shoot Monday nights May - August with every other Monday a practice or make up night here in Saginaw Michigan.)

How do I need to score to bring myself to Expert?  I'm not looking for the math.  I know I need to be at 270 or over on average to make Expert.  I need help with knowing the scoring and recording rules to get to the next level.


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Need A Classification Change Lesson Empty Re: Need A Classification Change Lesson

Post by dronning Tue May 19, 2015 8:03 am

Is this "summer session" a Sanctioned League?
"Scores from Sanctioned Leagues may be used during the league firing season in Score Record Books (Rule 19.14), but will only be used by the NRA Headquarters office at the end of the league firing season for issue of Official Classification Cards."

Classification rules start in section 19

- Dave

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Need A Classification Change Lesson Empty NRA reclasification

Post by carykiteboarder Tue May 19, 2015 8:29 am

In simple terms, the NRA will reclassify you if your last reported scores of at least 360 shots average to a classification above your current. What gets reported is total score and number of shots fired.  Thus, two 2700 reports are enough for reclassification.  A common misconception is that they will somehow take the last 90 from a previous 2700 to get to 360 shots.  Not so.

It is possible for scores to get reported out of order. If you shoot three tournaments in three weeks, those scores could be reported in any order since the reporting window is about a month.  I think the NRA just computes in the order they receive the report and doesn't reorder chronologically. I'm not sure of this.

Leagues are a whole different thing.

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Need A Classification Change Lesson Empty Classification

Post by Richard Ashmore Fri May 22, 2015 7:58 am

dsandula wrote:Please give me a quick classification change lesson.  I'm currently rated a Sharpshooter in 22 by the NRA.  I finished my second match of an 8 match summer season last night with a season average of 265.  We shoot 4 national match courses in a days match.  (Actually, we shoot Monday nights May - August with every other Monday a practice or make up night here in Saginaw Michigan.)

How do I need to score to bring myself to Expert?  I'm not looking for the math.  I know I need to be at 270 or over on average to make Expert.  I need help with knowing the scoring and recording rules to get to the next level.

  I asked a few years back, and at that time, once per month, Competitions took the scores reported in the last month and checked for re-classification.

  So when you add the reporting window ( usually a month after the match or league ends) and the once per month classification check, you could see a two month lag.
Richard Ashmore
Richard Ashmore

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