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advice on 1911 upgrade

BE Mike
Richard Ashmore
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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by orpheoet 5/22/2015, 6:51 am

I'm currently using a Springfield Trophy Match. I'm just now averaging low 270's for a NMC and I'm noticing the groups definitely open up at 50 yards. The gun is certainly capable of a 100 at the 25 yard line, I've almost done it several times..... What is my best next move, have this gun accurized or buy a complete wad gun. I'd really appreciate some names to do work on it or suggestions as to a better gun. So far I've done all of the work on it myself, it has a decent 3.5 lb trigger, but I dont want to attempt barrel fitting/linkage work or fitting a bushing.

Last edited by orpheoet on 5/22/2015, 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wording)

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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty .45 Suggestions

Post by Richard Ashmore 5/22/2015, 7:01 am

orpheoet wrote:I'm currently using a Springfield Trophy Match. I'm just now averaging low 90's for a NMC and I'm noticing the groups definitely open up at 50 yards. The gun is certainly capable of a 100 at the 25 yard line, I've almost done it several times..... What is my best next move, have this gun accurized or buy a complete wad gun. I'd really appreciate some names to do work on it or suggestions as to a better gun. So far I've done all of the work on it myself, it has a decent 3.5 lb trigger, but I dont want to attempt barrel fitting/linkage work or fitting a bushing.

  First, see if you can locate a Ransom Rest and someone who knows how to use it, and see what it does at 50 yards with known good ammunition.  Then, if it needs conditioning, send it to someone known to do good work.  I'm partial to Dave Santurri in Massachusetts.  Dave Salyer has a fine reputation as well.
Richard Ashmore
Richard Ashmore

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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by BE Mike 5/22/2015, 9:01 am

Low 90's is pretty darn good. I have one of these pistols. On mine the barrel lock-up is tight. After replacing the trigger parts with a Cylinder and Slide kit, the trigger is nice. The only thing I found lacking was the barrel to bushing fit. It was pretty sloppy. I fitted a match bushing to the slide and barrel. You can get different sized match bushings that will make fitting easier. As has been said, if you can get access to a machine rest, you can get a base line of accuracy from which to work.
BE Mike
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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by DavidR 5/22/2015, 10:12 am

I would first try and see how accurate it is, ramsom is best but you can do it from a sandbag too, If it wont hold the 10 ring at 50 yards with a known accurate load then There are a few smiths that can tune your gun up, Dave Salyer  and KC Crawford are two that come to mind that are taking in work, Dave will do a tune up or barrel change in a few weeks and can be reached at 803-327-6902, Kc has a link on the forum home page to his websight. not sure what his turn around time is.

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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by jglenn21 5/22/2015, 1:06 pm

if the bushing is loose, measure the end with a good Micrometer(not calipers) and order  a EGM bushing to exact fit..

they will also want to know what OD of the bushing you need.

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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by DeweyHales 5/22/2015, 2:59 pm

jglenn21 wrote:if the bushing is loose, measure the end with a good Micrometer(not calipers) 
Any chance you can post a pic or send apic of you doing this?

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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by CR10X 5/22/2015, 3:48 pm

Anybody shooting 290 to 293 for the NMC with an RO as stated probably doesn't need to mess with a bushing. If you shooting that well, go ahead and just get a get full blown wadgun, damnn the cost.


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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by dronning 5/22/2015, 3:55 pm

CR10X wrote:Anybody shooting 290 to 293 for the NMC with an RO as stated probably doesn't need to mess with a bushing. If you shooting that well, go ahead and just get a get full blown wadgun, damnn the cost.

I thought he meant he is shooting 273-279, low 90's (91,91,91 to 93,93,93).
- Dave

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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by DavidR 5/22/2015, 4:36 pm

CR10X wrote:Anybody shooting 290 to 293 for the NMC with an RO as stated probably doesn't need to mess with a bushing.  If you shooting that well, go ahead and just get a get full blown wadgun, damnn the cost.

op said his gun is  a Trophy Match, few pay grades above a range office... and I hear veteran shooters who shoot well use the last two numbers when telling scores because they never shoot less but im thinking being a start out marksmen he meant much lower than 290-293 but I could be wrong.

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Post by james r chapman 5/22/2015, 5:03 pm

I'm  confused as well.
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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by orpheoet 5/22/2015, 5:38 pm

Just to clarify I meant low 90's as in %. The last match that I used the gun in question I shot 820 14x. Mid 80's slow fire, low to mid 90's timed and rapid. Thanks for the answers, I guess I should start looking for someone with a Ransom....

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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by jglenn21 5/22/2015, 5:59 pm


 to be more specific, measure you barrel end with a micrometer then order the bushing.. an inside mic can be used to find you slide diameter for the OD of the bushing

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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by john bickar 5/22/2015, 7:06 pm

orpheoet wrote:Just to clarify I meant low 90's as in %. The last match that I used the gun in question I shot 820 14x. Mid 80's slow fire, low to mid 90's timed and rapid. Thanks for the answers, I guess I should start looking for someone with a Ransom....
Lakewood, OH?

I bet you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting 5 people with access to a Random Rest.
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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by orpheoet 5/22/2015, 8:17 pm

^^I've only been shooting Bullseye for less than a year so I'm hard pressed to come up with 5 other Bullseye shooters I know, but I do appreciate the fact that Ohio is a great state for the sport:)

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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by Rob Kovach 5/22/2015, 8:31 pm

If you decide to sell the Trophy Match, there is a new shooter near me that wants to buy one. ...let me know if that would be helpful to you.
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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by john bickar 5/22/2015, 9:57 pm

orpheoet wrote:^^I've only been shooting Bullseye for less than a year so I'm hard pressed to come up with 5 other Bullseye shooters I know, but I do appreciate the fact that Ohio is a great state for the sport:)
Get thee to some matches! Try this one.

Good people in that neck of the woods; it's where I learned how to shoot.
john bickar
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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by orpheoet 5/23/2015, 8:59 am

Rob, no matter what I'll be keeping the Springfield
John, I'm actually in the process of joining CMRPC. I pretty much shoot all of their pistol matches...

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advice on 1911 upgrade Empty Re: advice on 1911 upgrade

Post by Froneck 6/2/2015, 10:08 am

There are many good smiths around the country, Unfortunately more are bad. Being new to the sport I would suggest you find someone local. Not too hard to do. Since your going to many matches in Ohio, ask the top shooter or possibly the winner of the match that is a local shooter who he uses. The best smiths are those that will have good recommendations from the top shooters.


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