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Switching Hands results (so far)

BE Mike
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Switching Hands results (so far)  Empty Switching Hands results (so far)

Post by Founder Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:31 am

Ok been shooting indoor (50') league for three weeks now and holding a 90 average with my weak hand. Beginners luck? Wobble is all over the place but sticking to the basic fundamentals and dry firing when I can has helped. I dont ever remember my LH wobble ever being this big!

What I have learned, accept the wobble and trust my trigger control, use an aiming area not the 10 ring as my indicator to finish the trigger pull and you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. Now if I can eliminate some of the 6, 7's and 8's in sustained fire Master might be achievable with my weak hand!

10's N X's

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Post by BE Mike Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:48 pm

I know a fellow that went master with both hands, after an accident. I had some problems a while back with my right shoulder and arm and switched. I didn't have much success, but I didn't really give it my all. I'm glad it is working out for you. Like anything, you get out of it, what you put in.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Post by Tristar Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:35 pm

"...you can accomplish anything you put your mind to."

Congrats on the hard work!

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Switching Hands results (so far)  Empty Re: Switching Hands results (so far)

Post by Founder Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:15 am

Well we just finished up our centerfire indoor league and had our fun night tonight. I lost my top gun spot to the former top gun but did manage to hold onto 1st place with a 90.58 average with my weak hand. I have to pat myself on the back a bit as I did this with little practice or dry fire, work has been busy so I have not been able put forth a solid effort with the hand switch.

I see a wrist specialist this coming Tuesday, looking forward to hearing what he has to say about it.

I did shoot some rounds left handed tonight and it did not aggrivate the wrist too bad, that is a good thing! Shot 35 rounds with my wifes 686 and another 35 with my Chambers Custom wad gun. It all came right back to me and felt perfectly natural. One nice hole with the wad gun, except the one that was a light load that hit low left and stove piped. These bullets were some I had sitting around that were off weight from the other batches I had loaded so I shot them up tonight.

22 league starts in a month and I hope to be back shooting lefty by then and reclaim MY title!


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Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI.


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Post by Chris_D Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:55 am


Congrats on doing so well with the weak hand. I have yet to try it but I am so clumsy with my left hand I would only want to attempt shooting with it if I were the only person at the range!

Keep up the good work!



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Switching Hands results (so far)  Empty Re: Switching Hands results (so far)

Post by Steve B Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:37 am

I've been thinking the same thing lately. I shoot so much with the dominant hand that the weak hand really suffers and wouldn't be of much use if it was really needed in an instant. I appreciate you posting this and think I'll practice the same.

Steve B

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Post by Cholt9x99 Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:52 pm

I started shooting weak hand in practice a month ago, and the strangest thing is that when I leave the range I start trying to do everything else weak handed too and it seems to mess with my equilibrium. I don't get that at all...

Anyhow, after a month, I'm shooting high-expert to low-master scores on the 50 ft. targets. My wobble is awful, but my trigger control is getting better with practice. Don't know that I'll ever make HM this way, and I'm only shooting 22, but it is reminding me of things that I forgot learning before.

Chuck Holt
Fort Collins, Colo
Classification: MA-out, HM-in


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Switching Hands results (so far)  Empty Re: Switching Hands results (so far)

Post by Founder Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:36 pm

Chuck maybe you are a natural lefty and just never knew it. Switching Hands results (so far)  1883569342

Switching shooting hands is a frustrating and rewarding experience, a lot like Bullseye itself! It does get you to think about the fundamentals more. And funny how easy trigger control is from one hand to the other. Wobble on the other hand (pun intended) is dramatically worse with the weak hand!

I shot 22 a couple nights ago with my left (strong) hand for the first time in several months and wow my rock steady hold was still there! My finger though did not remember exactly how to pull the trigger straight to the rear and i kept pushing shots to the right. Managed a 279 we will not talk about x's.

But it was nice to feel that grip again, the dot centered nicely in the tube and aligned on target it felt so natural.

For those interested I got an MRI a couple weeks back and I have a tear in the tendon of my left wrist where it attaches to the heel of the hand. Doctor told these take forever to heal. I informed him I do not have forever and he corrected himself and said maybe a couple years. Anything that hurts he said don't do anymore. 22 felt ok so it's a start! Switching Hands results (so far)  1710857839

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Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI.


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