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38 Super, WST, and 147 TC Bullets

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38 Super, WST, and 147 TC Bullets Empty 38 Super, WST, and 147 TC Bullets

Post by Axehandle 6/23/2015, 6:23 pm

Playing with WST and Magnus 147 grain cast bullets in my KC Crawford build 38 Super.    First load out, 3.0 grains, stays inside the X ring at 25 yards and inside the 10 ring at 50 Yards.  0 malfunctions at the 75 round mark. Definite indications that the gun is capable of much better at 50 yards.   Can't believe how clean the gun is.    Brass of mixed age and origin.  Even have a few 38 Super Comp pieces in the mix.   I'll be headed back to the 50 yard test range with ammo built with new brass next week.


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Location : Alabama

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