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2x scopes in b.E.

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2x scopes in b.E.  Empty 2x scopes in b.E.

Post by Paper-Puncher 10/7/2011, 8:26 pm

Does anyone use a 2x pistol scope for BE..?...I know its legal, but does anyone actually use one? I have a leupold 2x pistol scope just laying around and thought I'd try it..but.......the magnification seems like it would really magnify my wobble circle..........??


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Join date : 2011-09-22
Age : 59
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2x scopes in b.E.  Empty Re: 2x scopes in b.E.

Post by Larry Lang 10/8/2011, 8:45 am

Hello PP,
Darius "Doc" Young, former National Champion, used one. I'm not sure if it was the same as yours.
My first venture into optics was using Burris 2X scopes, with a fine cross-hair and a black dot...heavy combo with a 6 7/8" barreled Ruger.
You're right about it magnifying the movement, but I cleaned my first rapid with one. I'd say give it a try.
Larry (WA)
Larry Lang
Larry Lang

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2x scopes in b.E.  Empty Re: 2x scopes in b.E.

Post by Paper-Puncher 10/8/2011, 11:36 am

I may try it...on my taoered barrel ....I cleaned my first timed fire yesteday....100-3x At 25yds......


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Join date : 2011-09-22
Age : 59
Location : Ohio

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2x scopes in b.E.  Empty Re: 2x scopes in b.E.

Post by nglitz 10/8/2011, 5:08 pm

I've been using them for twenty + years on both my 22 High standard and on a slide mount in .45.

The only bad part is that you can see the bullet holes in the paper.

Actual magnification is around 1.7 or 1.8. Almost 2X.

Posts : 6
Join date : 2011-06-10

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