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Is this a Range Alibi ?

Virgil Kane
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Is this a Range Alibi ? Empty Is this a Range Alibi ?

Post by Virgil Kane 6/30/2015, 5:00 pm

First to set the stage.  There are turning targets and also a recording of the load commands along with a buzzer that goes off when the targets turn. The commands are given "is the line ready, the line is ready, etc."  a buzzer goes off when the targets are suppose to turn.

The range officer forgets to turn the targets away from the shooters after the first 5 rounds of timed fire and starts the recorded commands for the second string of five rounds. The commands are given and the buzzer goes off, targets remain facing the shooters the whole time. Then noticing his mistake the range officer calls a cease fire after some of the shooters have shot rounds down range and turns the targets way from the shooters after the first five seconds of this second string of timed fire. The targets were turned away before the full 20 seconds had elapsed. The range officer then corrected his mistake and allowed another 20 seconds of timed fire for everyone.

For those that shot at the buzzer while the targets are facing them, would this be a range alibi or a shooter alibi? Shoot the remaining rounds in the magazine or shoot an 11 or 12 shot alibi in the next string?

For those that did not fire because they knew this was wrong would they be granted a range alibi or just SOL for not shooting at the buzzer ?

Never seen this happen before. I'm not that good of a shooter that this would effect my score one way or the other but would like to know the proper thing the range officer should have done.



Virgil Kane

Posts : 574
Join date : 2011-06-10

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Is this a Range Alibi ? Empty Re: Is this a Range Alibi ?

Post by LenV 6/30/2015, 5:14 pm

Declare a range alibi. Go forward repair targets without scoring and reshoot the whole string for everyone. By string I mean the whole 10 shots.


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Is this a Range Alibi ? Empty Re: Is this a Range Alibi ?

Post by Virgil Kane 6/30/2015, 6:17 pm

This is what I would have thought, re-shoot all 10 shots with a new target.

Virgil Kane

Posts : 574
Join date : 2011-06-10

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Is this a Range Alibi ? Empty Re: Is this a Range Alibi ?

Post by C.Perkins 6/30/2015, 6:19 pm

OldMaster65 wrote:Declare a range alibi. Go forward repair targets without scoring and reshoot the whole string for everyone. By string I mean the whole 10 shots.


This ^^^

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Is this a Range Alibi ? Empty Re: Is this a Range Alibi ?

Post by dronning 6/30/2015, 6:21 pm

OldMaster65 wrote:Declare a range alibi. Go forward repair targets without scoring and reshoot the whole string for everyone. By string I mean the whole 10 shots.


+1 You don't have an option either, everyone must refire. We have had the "I don't want to refire discussion" at a couple of small matches. I does suck when you cleaned your first 5 shots.

- Dave

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Is this a Range Alibi ? Empty Re: Is this a Range Alibi ?

Post by Jack H 6/30/2015, 7:21 pm

And the shooters didn't notice and gripe?
Jack H
Jack H

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Is this a Range Alibi ? Empty Re: Is this a Range Alibi ?

Post by Rob Kovach 6/30/2015, 7:40 pm

Here's the actual rule:
9.12 Interruption of Fire -
(a) In timed or rapid fire when the firing of a string is interrupted
by some occurrence which renders it impossible
for one or more competitors to complete the string under
the conditions of the match, the Chief Range Officer will
proceed as follows. Without being permitted to examine
their targets, competitors in the relay who have been so
prevented from completing their strings will be asked if
they wish to refire or to accept their score as fired. Targets
will then be scored in the usual manner for all competitors
except those who have elected to refire. Without being
scored, the targets of such competitors who have elected
to refire will be pasted or new targets substituted and a
complete string will be fired and scored.
Reasons authorizing this procedure are:
(1) Failure to allow full time.
(2) Failure of targets to operate properly or uniformly.
(3) Failure of target to remain in position on frame or carrier.
(4) Damage to target rendering impossible proper aiming or
scoring impossible.
(5) The appearance of some object in line of fire constituting
a hazard.
(6) Some incident involving a Range Officer or competitor on
the firing line.
(7) Unintended moving of the target during fire.
(b) In timed or rapid fire when, due to faulty target operation
or error in timing, one or more competitors are
allowed more time to complete the string than provided
by conditions of the match, the Chief Range
Officer will immediately order all such targets pasted
or new targets installed. The fired target will not
be scored. A complete new string will then be fired
by the competitors who are allowed extra time. If in
the same relay some targets operate properly in accordance
with the legal time limit, such targets will
be scored in the usual manner and competitors firing
on those targets will not be required or permitted to
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Age : 50
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