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One trigger instead of two

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One trigger instead of two Empty One trigger instead of two

Post by kohlerpartsgod Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:45 pm

In an effort to improve my .45 scores I thought about removing my Nelson conversion from it's receiver and use it on my .45 receiver. I would assume I should loose points on my .22 scores but improve both in the long run. Has any one also tried this and had success? Thanks for reading.


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One trigger instead of two Empty Re: One trigger instead of two

Post by dronning Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:55 pm

There are several on here that do this, in fact 1 or 2 use their ball (EIC) gun with a 4lb trigger, Rob Kovach did this - don't know if he still does.

- Dave

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One trigger instead of two Empty Re: One trigger instead of two

Post by JayhawkNavy02 Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:04 am

I did this for the first year, because I didn't have a dedicated 22 platform.  I'm going to have a dedicated lower built with a 3 lb trigger.

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