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Technique to get a basic zero.

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Technique to get a basic zero.   Empty Technique to get a basic zero.

Post by Wobbley 7/7/2015, 9:46 pm

I went shooting yesterday to get basic zeros on my bullseye guns.  I tried shooting of a sandbag and while the wobble area was very low, the groups did not hit in my usual spot.  They were low left, 8 o'clock and consistently regardless of gun.  So what is your technique to get a zero?

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Join date : 2015-02-12

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Technique to get a basic zero.   Empty Re: Technique to get a basic zero.

Post by Jack H 7/7/2015, 10:56 pm

Your rested zero will only be close to your offhand zero.  For today.  Just get close and then start grouping and calling shots offhand.  Then move your group.  Not your shot(s)
Jack H
Jack H

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Technique to get a basic zero.   Empty Re: Technique to get a basic zero.

Post by DavidR 7/8/2015, 9:25 am

try propping your arm on top of your gun box like you were shooting timed fire just supporting the arm, aiming with the dot as normal and you can get a real close zero, but you still may need to adjust a click or two when you shoot normal, do this at 25 yds, then just adjust elevation up 4 clicks and you should be close at 50 yds

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Technique to get a basic zero.   Empty Re: Technique to get a basic zero.

Post by knightimac 7/9/2015, 8:49 am


I modified my techinque this year to get basic zero.  It is working out better than before.  Previously I would zero at 25 yards and make adjustments out of hand at 25 and then 50 yards.

I now focus more on zero at 50 off sandbags and make adjustments by shooting out of hand at 50 and then 25 yards.

My slow fire scores have gone up as a result.  I seem more dialed in at 50.

I mark the adjustments on my ultradot elevation and windage using different color magic markers for 25 and 50 yards.


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