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Red dots on air pistols

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Red dots on air pistols Empty Red dots on air pistols

Post by kwixdraw 7/22/2015, 4:56 pm

I know that a scope needs to be rated for mounting on an air rifle because the recoil is different from a regular firearm. Does that also apply to red dot sights? I have an older RWS R5 that has mounting holes for weaver bases. I thought it might be just the ticket for some trigger time with the dot sights.

Last edited by kwixdraw on 7/22/2015, 4:57 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)

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Join date : 2014-09-03
Location : Scott County TN

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Red dots on air pistols Empty Re: Red dots on air pistols

Post by LenV 7/22/2015, 6:29 pm

Nope it will never work. Laughing

Red dots on air pistols Dscf0211

I have lots of pellets through this set up.

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Red dots on air pistols Empty Re: Red dots on air pistols

Post by Jwhelan939 7/22/2015, 6:48 pm

I have 3 airguns with millet 1" dots. All work great.


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Red dots on air pistols Empty Re: Red dots on air pistols

Post by FredB 7/22/2015, 7:30 pm

kwixdraw wrote:I know that a scope needs to be rated for mounting on an air rifle because the recoil is different from a regular firearm. Does that also apply to red dot sights? I have an older RWS R5 that has mounting holes for weaver bases. I thought it might be just the ticket for some trigger time with the dot sights.
Airgun scope rating really applies only to recoiling spring piston airguns like your RWS model 5. SSPs, like the Compact (above), or precharged pneumatics, or recoilless spring pistons, like the FWB 65, don't stress scopes, but recoiling spring pistons do. Red dots weigh less than traditional scopes, so they may not be affected as much by spring piston recoil. It's hard to say whether a particular red dot will or will not survive on a recoiling spring piston gun - it probably depends on the build quality of the red dot you want to use.



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Red dots on air pistols Empty Re: Red dots on air pistols

Post by kwixdraw 7/22/2015, 7:49 pm

An Ultradot 25.  I've seen real cheapo dots on kid quality spring guns but I had no idea if they would hold up. Thanks for the good info.  I think its worth a try.

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Location : Scott County TN

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Red dots on air pistols Empty Re: Red dots on air pistols

Post by Flyfisherman 7/23/2015, 2:02 pm

I've had a1" ultra dot on a Beeman P1 for 2 years and lots of pellets with no problems.


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Red dots on air pistols Empty Re: Red dots on air pistols

Post by kwixdraw 7/23/2015, 2:38 pm

Sounds good. Film at 11:00

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Location : Scott County TN

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