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Hosting Files on the Forum

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Hosting Files on the Forum Empty Hosting Files on the Forum

Post by Rob Kovach Sat Jul 25, 2015 11:59 pm

Dear Members,

There is a problem with the onsite storage capacity that we have to host files on the forum.  Somehow the amount of storage that we have had over the years now has been reduced.  While we haven't lost any of the files that have been hosted over the years, no matter how many old/out of date files that I delete, we are still over capacity.  I need to get "founder" access level to buy more storage space.

Meanwhile, as I work on fixing that, any files that you want to host (especially spreadsheets, .pdf's, or docs) have to be hosted offsite and you can publish the link here.  I've been using the facebook group to host match bulletins.  That seems to be one of the easiest to use.

You can still use the photo hosting function as that is just the same as using "photobucket" or another photo hosting service.

I will let everyone know when everything is back to normal.

Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

Posts : 2692
Join date : 2011-06-14
Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI

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Hosting Files on the Forum Empty Re: Hosting Files on the Forum

Post by dronning Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:07 pm

Rob, I have 2 files that I can't delete. I've tried deleting them in the attachments tab in my profile but no luck. I can and have deleted other files using that method.

I have no clue which post they are attached to.

Delete them if you can.

13-open-conventional pistol.pdf
14-open-conventional pistol.pdf

- Dave

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Hosting Files on the Forum Empty Re: Hosting Files on the Forum

Post by Rob Kovach Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:48 pm

Those were big Dave.  I deleted them but it didn't help.  I have to contact support and see what changed.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

Posts : 2692
Join date : 2011-06-14
Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI

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