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Developed a flinch

james r chapman
Rob Kovach
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Developed a flinch Empty Developed a flinch

Post by dronning 7/28/2015, 7:22 am

I had carpal tunnel surgery a while ago and I may have started shooting the 45 a little too soon because I experienced some pain and had to shoot 22 only for a while - but shooting to early may have caused me to develop a flinch.

My slow fire scores have tanked, but my sustained fire scores continue to improve and are in the mid-high 90's with the occasional clean. During some slow fire practice the other night I flinched - big time, I've never done that before. I think I have developed a small flinch during slow fire. Why just slow fire I can't figure out. At the last match I actually shot a slow fire target like it was timed fire I had a very nice group but at 11 o'clock - that is the direction of my recovery, so the shots broke early.

I have read conflicting views on ball and dummy verses just dry firing or even just shooting the 22. A friend suggested just going out with the 45 at close range (7yds) and focusing on follow through trying to shoot through the same hole.

Thoughts? Any mental exercises? A change in shot process for slow?

- Dave


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Developed a flinch Empty Re: Developed a flinch

Post by Rob Kovach 7/28/2015, 7:36 am

Dryfire more.  Dryfire until your brain expects "CLICK" instead of "Boom"

Are you using a roll trigger?  That might help.

I would hold off on live fire training until you can shoot a full 900 without pain.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Developed a flinch Empty Re: Developed a flinch

Post by dronning 7/28/2015, 8:04 am

Rob Kovach wrote:Dryfire more.  Dryfire until your brain expects "CLICK" instead of "Boom"

Are you using a roll trigger?  That might help.

I would hold off on live fire training until you can shoot a full 900 without pain.

Thanks Rob, the pain is gone now but the "damage" was done. Yes I'm using one of KC's roll triggers. I agree I think it's best to focus on dry firing and not reinforce the flinch with live fire for now.

- Dave

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Developed a flinch Empty Re: Developed a flinch

Post by james r chapman 7/28/2015, 8:44 am

In trap shooting we recommend a release trigger....
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Developed a flinch Empty Re: Developed a flinch

Post by Axehandle 7/28/2015, 8:56 am

Hard to replace "ball and dummy."   The difficulty with dry firing is getting your head to the same place it is when live firing.


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Developed a flinch Empty Re: Developed a flinch

Post by jglenn21 7/28/2015, 9:46 am

you might also look at one of the recoil reducing device that attach to your wrist... they do reduce the felt recoil a bit..I purchased one from Unique Tek

in my former career ( IT)  having wrist issues was part of the job it seems

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Developed a flinch Empty Re: Developed a flinch

Post by Axehandle 7/28/2015, 10:12 am

Beware "recoil reducing devices" attached to your wrist.  Don't think that is kosher for match shooting.


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Developed a flinch Empty Re: Developed a flinch

Post by JKR 7/28/2015, 11:54 am


I also recommend a recoil reducing device...Pardini 32 ACP!!



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Developed a flinch Empty Re: Developed a flinch

Post by dronning 7/28/2015, 12:18 pm


That gets me 2/3'rds of the way there Smile

- Dave

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Developed a flinch Empty Re: Developed a flinch

Post by JKR 7/28/2015, 12:29 pm

By the time you're through with the CF portion of the match, you'll feel so good about the increase in your score that you'll shoot your 45 better too!



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Developed a flinch Empty Re: Developed a flinch

Post by knightimac 7/28/2015, 2:10 pm

If you are doing good at 25 but not 50, maybe you could increase the pace at which you shoot slowfire. 

 Take 3 deep breaths, raise gun, exhale, black, black, squeeze, squeeze, fire, reacquire dot,  lower gun, take three deep breaths etc...

Timed and rapid are more subconscious.  Maybe if you shoot slow in a faster but rymthmic way it could help.  Plus your mind will be focusing more on a new method rather than any residual discomfort.

Dryfire and taking longer break from shooting the 45 to aid in recovery, maybe helpful.

Best Wishes.

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