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slow fire, am I onto something?

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slow fire, am I onto something? Empty slow fire, am I onto something?

Post by orpheoet Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:26 pm

I shot the best slow fire I ever have today and I did a few things different. I'm wondering if others have had similar experiences.
I've been trying to get each shot off at a "first shot of a timed fire string pace" 
I knew I was sighted in so I did not check any of my shots with the spotting scope
I usually take about 8 minutes for slow fire. This one I did in 6.
I brought the gun back down at least 4 times and restarted the process because I wasn't happy with what I was seeing in the amount of time I had the gun up.

I tried to replicate this on my next 3 slow fires and though I was not able to score as well I did score better than my average. Does this all make sense?slow fire, am I onto something? Img_3114

Last edited by orpheoet on Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:04 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : attach photo)

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slow fire, am I onto something? Empty Re: slow fire, am I onto something?

Post by Wobbley Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:30 pm

It does.  A lot of people try too hard in slow fire.  The best shots will take the first solid ten they see.  But it has to be stable not zooming past.

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slow fire, am I onto something? Empty Re: slow fire, am I onto something?

Post by Rob Kovach Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:01 am

Your process sounds very good!  Good job.  Stick with the process.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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slow fire, am I onto something? Empty Re: slow fire, am I onto something?

Post by SteveT Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:56 am

I don't think you are doing anything wrong.

One of the jewels of wisdom in Nygord's Notes is "shoot the first 10 you see". I rarely shoot better after holding on the target for a long time.

I have lost more points due to scoping shots and either worrying about past shots or adjusting the sights too soon or too much (and ending up within a click or two of where I started by the end of the match).

You probably shot a little better the first target because it was the process version of "new gun syndrome". When trying something new it takes the pressure off. We just let the process unfold without trying to make the shot perfect. We would all shoot better if we could embrace that mindset all the time.

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slow fire, am I onto something? Empty Re: slow fire, am I onto something?

Post by orpheoet Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:32 am

I finally figured out how to attach a photo:) Added to my original post....

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slow fire, am I onto something? Empty Re: slow fire, am I onto something?

Post by Joe L Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:36 am

I've gone from a slow, deliberate 7 minute or so pace to almost a timed fire pace, with stops when I don't see what I need to see.  The latter seems to work better for me, at least right now.  "shoot the first 10 you see" seems like good advice to me. 

I benefit more from sitting down for an extra 6 minutes or so than I do from shooting too slow. 


Joe L

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slow fire, am I onto something? Empty Re: slow fire, am I onto something?

Post by DavidR Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:17 am

great shooting , I don't see anything wrong with whatever gets you scores like that

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slow fire, am I onto something? Empty Re: slow fire, am I onto something?

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