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large vs. small flash holes.

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large vs. small flash holes. Empty large vs. small flash holes.

Post by james r chapman 8/13/2015, 10:58 am

I've noticed a large variation in primer flash holes in my mixed brass.

anyone experiment with what's the better choice.

I know when I'm making up .32 s&w blanks for my son, I have to drill the holes larger to limit primer set back.

any opinions out there?

Jim C
james r chapman
james r chapman

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large vs. small flash holes. Empty Re: large vs. small flash holes.

Post by Rob Kovach 8/13/2015, 11:09 am

There was an old thread about this a year or 2 ago...

Some people said it's a big deal so I tested it out with my machine rest.

I usually get just under 3" groups with my mixed brass 200gr LSWC loads over 3.8gr BE.
I dug out 5 Winchester cases with large holes and 5 Winchester cases with the small holes and shot those as a group.  It came out just under 3" and I couldn't tell which holes were from which flash holes.
I then dug out all different headstamps looking for different flash hole sizes and other anomalies.  I grabbed a couple split cases and loaded 10 of those.
It came up to be a 3" group....nothing noteworthy.  I had a helper watching in the scope when I let the split cases fly---he said they went right through the middle of the group.

.45ACP is very forgiving...I wouldn't worry too much about brass unless you always hold 9 ring or better on the long line.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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large vs. small flash holes. Empty Re: large vs. small flash holes.

Post by james r chapman 8/13/2015, 11:23 am

OH, I hold there, the shots just don't go there, lol

thanks for the answer...

I'll just make sure the holes are open then...
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Age : 75
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large vs. small flash holes. Empty Re: large vs. small flash holes.

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