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PIstol perch or sandbag method

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PIstol perch or sandbag method Empty PIstol perch or sandbag method

Post by lablover 8/17/2015, 9:09 am

Can someone explain how they use sandbags to piton rest their handguns.  Or, pistol perch.  Ransom aint in the cards right now.  Trying to find the is RO performance without as much human contact...LOL

Also, anyone in the Detroit/Sterling Heights/ Macomb area who might want to ring this thing out for me I'm game!


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PIstol perch or sandbag method Empty Re: PIstol perch or sandbag method

Post by CrankyThunder 8/17/2015, 10:06 am

Dear Joe:

Now I am not the most accomplished pistol shot on the line but I have always had good luck using sandbags. 

Basically, I take a bench, lay a good thick blanket on it, some elbow pads, and place a sandbag up front.

Then, using both hands, I rest the butt of the pistol on the bags and make my shots from the sitting position. 

I have always been able to get x ring accuracy except when it is windy on the 50 yard line. 

Some people say that there is a change in zero going from the bags to single hand shooting but I have not noticed it. 

Good luck!


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PIstol perch or sandbag method Empty Re: PIstol perch or sandbag method

Post by nmbuzz 8/17/2015, 10:12 pm

I believe shooting from ANY rest is an acquired art!   I am NOT good at it!      I do own and have shot from a Ransom Rest mounted on a 2' diameter column of concrete I poured. I don't believe I am good at THAT either!
Shooting from a Ransom Rest..... OR ANY rest.... is a process!   You need to understand the rest and how BEST to utilize it.   Takes some learning!
   From a non mechanical rest...  sand bags....   carpeted 2x4 on the bench...  other rests...   I believe
it is (as with any shooting) all about trigger control!   My brother in Oregon, a Bullseye Master, is an amazing
rest shooter. I believe he has the built in control and calm that , when he says GOOD SQUEEZE after the shot ,  he has imparted  the most important part of the shot process and has applied the most important part of the process.
    I'm thinking good luck is not a part of successfully resting a pistol.  As with most all shooting sports, technique and practice are paramount.
   It is a waste of time, and usually money, to impart inaccuracy to a pistol or ammunition when the shooter is the weak link in the process!

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