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I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix.

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I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix. Empty I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix.

Post by Rob Kovach 10/24/2011, 6:46 am

I'm coming off of a shoulder injury, and I didn't put 2 & 2 together that my shake is due to lack of strength from months of not using it.

When I raise my pistol my gun shakes just like if you are straining with a bench press that has too much weight on it. The more I have been practicing and my strenth has been building, the less I shake.

Does anyone have rehab exersizes that work for bullseye shooting?
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix. Empty Re: I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix.

Post by DavidR 10/24/2011, 7:41 pm

I raise and lower (just like raising my 45) a 5LB weight as many times as i can once a day. this has helped me a lot.

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I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix. Empty Re: I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix.

Post by Jack H 10/24/2011, 8:24 pm

I am 15 months now after shoulder surgery, and still not 100% recovered. I have had reasonable success with what might be compensating techniques using more forearm and wrist. But I still have uncontrollable darts off the aim area (X ring of course). These come from the shoulder joint sort of like a twitch, or sometimes like chicken shoulder. Chicken shoulder is when the dot moves off the aim area and just will not go back no matter how much I will it to go. This is so often at the last of the commitment on the trigger, it is usually too late to stop. The shots end up on call. Where the dot was, the shot is. I am not sure if this forearm and wrist technique is acceptable in the long run or not.

I had 6 months of post surgery PT. The therapist has all sorts of exercises using specialized equipment (the Rack, I called them). Also there are many exercises using rubber tube, and rope and pulley apparatus. The red color PT tube is recommended most for at home therapy. All work best with a stable core. So I suggest you seek out a sports physical therapist.
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I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix. Empty Re: I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix.

Post by ScottSimmonds 10/25/2011, 3:25 am

Do you take reloading advise from just anyone?

Go to a physical therapist.


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I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix. Empty Re: I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix.

Post by Rob Kovach 10/25/2011, 7:43 am

No but I do take reloading advice from other BE shooters. I don't know any physical therapists that arent anti-gun hippies. Suspect
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix. Empty Re: I think I found the cause of my shake. Help needed to fix.

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