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Barrel weight for Hammerli X-esse

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Barrel weight for Hammerli X-esse Empty Barrel weight for Hammerli X-esse

Post by Flytrap1 8/24/2015, 9:05 am

I have a Hammerli X-Esse from Larrys Guns and I am concidering putting a barrel weight on it. I do not have larrys scope mount so I'm not getting the advantage of that extra weight. Any opinions would be appreciated as to whether the additional weight is really necessary, how much weight I should add and which model weight (steel aluminum etc.) Should I get.


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Join date : 2013-03-12

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Barrel weight for Hammerli X-esse Empty Re: Barrel weight for Hammerli X-esse

Post by DavidR 8/24/2015, 9:51 am

harbor freight sells stick on weights in 1/4 oz and 1/2 ounce, easy to stick on and remove if need be, big pack only costs 4 bucks or so.

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Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 70
Location : NRA:Expert, Georgia

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