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Revolvers... how to grip them?

james r chapman
john bickar
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Revolvers... how to grip them? Empty Revolvers... how to grip them?

Post by desben Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:59 am

I just got myself a revolver (S&W 14-2) to shoot international centerfire with. It's my first revolver and I'm unsure how to grip it. I would very much welcome whatever advice you can give on proper revolver grip for slow fire.

Googling "revolver grip" mostly brings up articles about double-action self-defence shooting; very little in terms of bullseye/target. Most of the bullseye material deals with 1911s... Where should I look? Any books?

One source I found is the book Shooting, by Henry FitzGerald, released in 1930. It describes a grip for slow fire that's very relaxed and light. The thumb rests on the latch and side of the frame. The two middle fingers grip the front strap the the gun, and the pinky is just along for the ride. Would you still shoot like that?

Revolvers... how to grip them? Proper-Target-Grip-for-Revolvers

I initially tried my thumb forward and away from the frame, and had no success; my shots would end up high. Hooking my thumb in the "football" and applying solid pressure gave me a lot of 10s. Is that bad technique? What about the "Fitz" grip I show below?

Hook that gives me decent results:
Revolvers... how to grip them? 21312524578_96209ce0bb

Fitz grip, resting tumb on latch and shield
Revolvers... how to grip them? 20879215943_3d50069406

Fitz top
Revolvers... how to grip them? 21313440969_787fbe30fa

Fitz bottom
Revolvers... how to grip them? 21500355415_fc57edfc21

I look forward to your comments...

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Revolvers... how to grip them? Empty Re: Revolvers... how to grip them?

Post by john bickar Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:36 pm

Everyone that I've ever seen that shoots a revolver for International Center Fire has an ergonomic grip on the gun.
john bickar
john bickar

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Revolvers... how to grip them? Empty Re: Revolvers... how to grip them?

Post by desben Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:25 pm

John, I think you may be right. But plenty of guys can shoot a pretty good slow fire targets with standard grips in DR and Harry Reeves matches. I want to know how those guys fit their paw around the gun. The fancy euro grips will wait for now.

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Revolvers... how to grip them? Empty Re: Revolvers... how to grip them?

Post by Wobbley Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:39 pm

I use the "hook".  Not that I'm an expert. Seems to work OK.

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Revolvers... how to grip them? Empty Re: Revolvers... how to grip them?

Post by james r chapman Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:19 pm

I hold lower so I can easily cock the trigger in rapid fire.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Revolvers... how to grip them? Empty Re: Revolvers... how to grip them?

Post by LenV Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:40 pm

I agree with James "hold lower". On the little k frame I tuck my pinky under the grips. Helps stop it from rolling up in my hand and makes it easier to cock in sustained fire. I find it also helps me milk it less. I say less because I still do stupid things sometimes. Smile

Revolvers... how to grip them? Pictur10

You might also consider some alternate grip for international. They don't have to be spendy or come from Europe. Herretts grips made right here are very affordable when you can get them on e-bay, and they show up a lot. Picked this set up for around 60.00. Too small for me so they will be on e-bay again some day.

Revolvers... how to grip them? 10910

The other choice would be to spend a tad more and get grips good for International and DR. The Nills grips are DR legal and help you shoot better. That's a personal opinion about shooting better but they work for me.

Revolvers... how to grip them? Dscf0311

Last edited by OldMaster65 on Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:32 am; edited 1 time in total

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Revolvers... how to grip them? Empty Re: Revolvers... how to grip them?

Post by james r chapman Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:21 am

Geez, look at the size of those hams!!!!  Wink
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Revolvers... how to grip them? Empty Re: Revolvers... how to grip them?

Post by Keyholed Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:21 am

I was about to say--little K-frame? No offense, OM, but it looks like a toy in those bear paws.


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Revolvers... how to grip them? Empty Re: Revolvers... how to grip them?

Post by GrumpyOldMan Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:06 pm


All four fingers firm but not shaky. Easing up on the pinky makes my CF shots drift high.

Thumb position for me makes no difference.

I grip high for thumb-cocking, thumb oriented straight forward, not "cowboy" sideways to the hammer. But I have small hands, can't span an octave on the piano. One note short unless I hang over the edge and catch 'em with the tips of my digits.

Best source for improvement is just trigger time, dry fire or live fire. Dry is more convenient. Using a dot right now and the wobble just keeps getting smaller and the sittingstill times are getting longer. My .22 iron sight scores are still better...


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Revolvers... how to grip them? Empty Re: Revolvers... how to grip them?

Post by LenV Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:48 pm

"All four fingers firm but not shaky" ? I think you mean three. Smile

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Revolvers... how to grip them? Empty Re: Revolvers... how to grip them?

Post by rreid Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:12 pm

I've had some success in distinguished revolver with a grip like the one in this picture. If I understand, you don't shoot sustained fire in international, so you don't need to have your thumb in a certain position to cock the hammer.


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Revolvers... how to grip them? Empty Re: Revolvers... how to grip them?

Post by GrumpyOldMan Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:19 am

OldMaster65 wrote:"All four fingers firm but not shaky" ? I think you mean three. Smile
Is your name Inigo Montoya, by chance?

[/Jedi voice/] I am not the man you are looking for. [/Jedi off/]

Sorry, I forgot that not everyone is as...gifted...as I.


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