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Beretta LPA Target Sight Install

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Beretta LPA Target Sight Install Empty Beretta LPA Target Sight Install

Post by scrum derringer Sat Oct 10, 2015 5:33 pm

After a long wait from Midway USA, they finally had the LPA target sight set in stock. I just received the kit today and observed that the front sight only has hols on one side, I assumed they went through. Has anyone installed one of these sights, and if so, did you dill through the stock fixed front sight into the other side of the LPA front sight? Has anyone just used like a JB Weld type adhesive to attach the front sight only, or in addition to drilling and pinning?
scrum derringer
scrum derringer

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Beretta LPA Target Sight Install Empty Re: Beretta LPA Target Sight Install

Post by C.Perkins Sat Oct 10, 2015 7:15 pm

Drill and pin it using Loktite on the pins.

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Beretta LPA Target Sight Install Empty Re: Beretta LPA Target Sight Install

Post by wheelsthatgrip Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:34 am

I installed this front sight years ago; the front sight had the pins go all the way through.  I assume they had a design change.

The biggest issue I had was drilling the Beretta front sight, it is very hard.  I heated the front sight very carefully until it was almost glowing.  I then used a cobalt drill bit.  I filled the LPA front sight with some gorilla glue, pushed the roll pins through and wiped off the excess.



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