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Curing the flinch, Redneck style

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Curing the flinch, Redneck style Empty Curing the flinch, Redneck style

Post by LenV 10/12/2015, 7:59 pm

I have found a method to stop flinching with the little/tiny 45 acp. The first step is to realize that the 45 is actually a very gentle round and there is just no reason to fear the recoil. The way to do that is with training. Practice with something that has a tad bit more recoil. I should caution that this form of training like all shock training sometimes has a reverse effect and a shooter might find himself flinching with a 22 or avoiding shooting altogether. I had to give that disclaimer in case someone actually took this seriously and tried this method. My son caught this neat picture of me in the practice mode. The load is a sensible 48.6 gr of win296 behind a 240gr xtp mag. Basically 12 times the recoil of a 45. Which of course explains the "Big Bang". Very Happy

Curing the flinch, Redneck style Fullsi10

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Curing the flinch, Redneck style Empty Re: Curing the flinch, Redneck style

Post by KevinB 10/12/2015, 8:32 pm

You shoot 'em and roast 'em at the same time with that?


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Curing the flinch, Redneck style Empty Re: Curing the flinch, Redneck style

Post by Guest 10/12/2015, 8:46 pm

Two hands?  You need to practice one-handed:-)


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Curing the flinch, Redneck style Empty Re: Curing the flinch, Redneck style

Post by Bigtrout 10/13/2015, 8:20 am

The flash is more lethal than the bullet, lol.

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Curing the flinch, Redneck style Empty Re: Curing the flinch, Redneck style

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