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Pardini Barrel Life With Jacketed .32 ACP

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Pardini Barrel Life With Jacketed .32 ACP Empty Pardini Barrel Life With Jacketed .32 ACP

Post by jbzeus 10/24/2015, 5:44 am

Hi All.  I have a  Pardini .22 with a .32acp conversion.

1.  I'm wondering if I shot only loads like Hornady 60gr XTP how long would a barrel last before it started to lose accuracy?  New bullseye shooter but would assume I might shoot around 5k a year.

2. Alternatively if I shot XTPs at the long line and lead at the short line and indoors I'm wondering about cleaning between the bullet types.  I've read that some people only clean the chamber (not sure if this is only for .22 or includes the .32).  I would assume you would need clean the barrel after the lead before shooting jacketed.  But doesn't this violate the chamber only cleaning theory?  And now you don't have a properly fouled barrel for best accuracy.



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Join date : 2015-04-03

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Pardini Barrel Life With Jacketed .32 ACP Empty Re: Pardini Barrel Life With Jacketed .32 ACP

Post by Fire Escape 10/24/2015, 5:12 pm

I am going out on a limb here and say that the 'clean the chamber only' concept is predominantly a .22 rimfire plan. That being the case there are no jacketed bullets that need a lead free barrel to be accommodated. Having said that, there are many who go back and forth between jacketed and lead without any substantial cleaning and IF you are shooting both alternatively in the same match you will not be accumulating great quantities of lead in the barrel as the jacketed bullets should remove some/most of it when it is their turn. Truth is that most guns are individuals in their likes and dislikes, try shooting some of each (in reasonable quantities) alternating between them and see how it works for you.


Fire Escape

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Pardini Barrel Life With Jacketed .32 ACP Empty Re: Pardini Barrel Life With Jacketed .32 ACP

Post by Guest 10/25/2015, 2:56 am

I always clean mine.  Figure I paid a lot to get as close to perfect as possible. Why would I want to shoot something that has a ton of crud/lead/copper in the barrel?  As far as barrel life my guess would be into six figures.  We are not shooting loads at 3,000fps that we do with long range rifles.


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Pardini Barrel Life With Jacketed .32 ACP Empty Re: Pardini Barrel Life With Jacketed .32 ACP

Post by BE Mike 10/25/2015, 2:56 pm

The caliber is so new for bullseye shooting that there probably isn't any data available. Bullseye pistols in .45 ACP go for tens of thousands of rounds before they loose pristine accuracy. I would expect no less from this caliber. Keep it clean (yeah clean the bore) and check it on the Ransom Rest in about 7 years (if shooting 5,000 rounds per year) and see how it is shooting at 50 yards. Pardini Barrel Life With Jacketed .32 ACP 1883569342
BE Mike
BE Mike

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