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what is the best ultra dot for 22.

Jack H
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what is the best ultra dot for 22. Empty what is the best ultra dot for 22.

Post by SW-52 10/25/2015, 3:03 pm

people,what is the best of two options of ultra dot for .22lr pistol?

http://www.larrysguns.com/Products/Ultra-Dot-1-Black__UD1B.aspx  or  http://www.larrysguns.com/Products/Ultra-Dot-30mm-Black__UD30B.aspx

Last edited by SW-52 on 10/25/2015, 3:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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what is the best ultra dot for 22. Empty Re: what is the best ultra dot for 22.

Post by Jack H 10/25/2015, 3:05 pm

I think 1" for 22 and 45.
Jack H
Jack H

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what is the best ultra dot for 22. Empty Re: what is the best ultra dot for 22.

Post by LenV 10/25/2015, 7:18 pm

I like the 2 min dot for the .22. I don't know if I would trust the mount on the micro on a .45 slide but they work great on the .22. They are about halfway in size between the 1" and 30 mm. I know you said the best of 2 options but there are more ultra-dot options. I believe I have tried all the tube options.



what is the best ultra dot for 22. Dscf0517

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what is the best ultra dot for 22. Empty Re: what is the best ultra dot for 22.

Post by Jerry Keefer 10/25/2015, 8:48 pm

what is the best ultra dot for 22. IMG_0293_zpsa730bfb8
what is the best ultra dot for 22. IMG_0293_zpsa730bfb8
what is the best ultra dot for 22. IMG_0220_zps2c2a61ba
what is the best ultra dot for 22. 012-8_zpsc602c968
what is the best ultra dot for 22. 018-7_zps72c20876
what is the best ultra dot for 22. DSC03735_zps73c578fa
Jerry Keefer
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what is the best ultra dot for 22. Empty Re: what is the best ultra dot for 22.

Post by SW-52 10/26/2015, 6:29 am

Jerry Keefer wrote:what is the best ultra dot for 22. IMG_0293_zpsa730bfb8
what is the best ultra dot for 22. IMG_0293_zpsa730bfb8
what is the best ultra dot for 22. IMG_0220_zps2c2a61ba
what is the best ultra dot for 22. 012-8_zpsc602c968
what is the best ultra dot for 22. 018-7_zps72c20876
what is the best ultra dot for 22. DSC03735_zps73c578fa
Excellent pictures and nice Pistols!

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what is the best ultra dot for 22. Empty Re: what is the best ultra dot for 22.

Post by DavidR 10/26/2015, 10:17 am

I agree with jerry, best is the aimpoint micro all tricked out with special mount and custom lens tubes but the price for all that isn't in many of our budgets as it gets close to a grand. The 1'' ultra dot is what i and many use on 22s and many of us on 45s as well.

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what is the best ultra dot for 22. Empty Re: what is the best ultra dot for 22.

Post by BE Mike 10/26/2015, 12:41 pm

It is like asking what are the best grips. It is very personal and anybody can use any good scope to score X's. A lot depends upon one's physical attributes (or in my case, lack thereof) including eyesight. Different size dots, suit different folks and some like to have the ability to choose dot sizes at will . Some folks swear by the micro dots, while others prefer a tube scope. Some folks who like tube scopes, love the 1" while others prefer the 30mm. Some considerations are weight, repeatable click adjustable windage and elevation adjustments, polariser attachment, ease of mounting and durability. UltraDots are hard to beat for the price and that makes them very popular.
BE Mike
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