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Mobile version issue

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Mobile version issue Empty Mobile version issue

Post by Jwhelan939 Wed Oct 28, 2015 7:40 am

Is anyone else having issues with the mobile version of the forum? I do not have a computer, so I exclusively use my phone when viewing the forum. About a week ago the forum began displaying an advertising banner at the top of the screen. Also, about half of the times, when I click on a topic, I get sent to an advertisement of some sort. This is only happening on this forum. Anyone else having this issue?


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Mobile version issue Empty Re: Mobile version issue

Post by LenV Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:13 am

Yes, and it sucks. I even got suckered in to watch the self defense ADD. Interesting info but in the end it is just a long pitch for money.


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Mobile version issue Empty Re: Mobile version issue

Post by DavidR Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:30 am

we have very little control over banner ads, this forum was built using a FREE format,so we are at the mercy of the bandwidth providers that was used.I think if you pay the providers a fee that you can get the ads removed but only the owner has the ability to do so. Rob may be able to help and hope he weighs in on this. there are other ways to get rid of pop up ads but im not sure what it takes. I do know that many ads you see are based on subjects or products that have been searched not necessarily by you but by someone that has used your computer or device,  if you search cars you see car ads, you search houses you get house ads and in one members case that up and deleted his account yesterday he wanted us to get rid of Asian porn ads, Anyway sorry about the ads, hopefully something can be worked out.

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Mobile version issue Empty Re: Mobile version issue

Post by Toz35m Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:46 am

If you have the option to use a an add blocker like on an apple phone with iOS9 you will not see any adds.  Not sure what options android OS offers but should also work to block them.

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Mobile version issue Empty Re: Mobile version issue

Post by Jwhelan939 Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:50 am

Thanks Toz, that's more along the lines of what I was looking for. I search for a new Android blocker and try it out. I understand banner adds. I just never had them on this forum before. Wasn't sure if the host updated and started using banners, or if my phones blocker is no longer sufficient.


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Mobile version issue Empty Re: Mobile version issue

Post by Rob Kovach Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:29 pm


When Joe Fobes handed me the keys to this forum, there are a few--and it really is a few-- things that I can't access that only Joe can access.

The function that allows me to buy more storage space for attachments is one of them.

The function that allows me to pay to run the forum "ad free" is another.

I'm closing on a new house in the country in a few weeks.  After the madness of that settles down, I'm going to try to get Joe to sign me over as the forum "owner" so I can take over those functions.

I haven't collected from our sponsors for a very long time...I haven't been able to use the money for the intended purpose anyway--but I should be able to finance the ad blocking with the sponsor money.

Can you guys handle the inconvenience for a few more weeks?
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Mobile version issue Empty Re: Mobile version issue

Post by Jwhelan939 Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:39 pm

Absolutely, please don't think my question was a complaint towards the forum. I really was just trying to figure out if other people where having the same issue. If they weren't I would have assumed I needed to do something on/to my phone.


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Mobile version issue Empty Re: Mobile version issue

Post by john bickar Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:55 pm

Huh. Forumotion is phpBB SaaS. I should have known that was a thing.

Anyhow, Rob, thank you for running this forum, and thanks for the update. It is a lot of thankless work to moderate a busy forum.

I'm not sure how much the monthly hosting costs are, but I'd be willing to chip in for ad-free. PM me if you want to take me up on that.

I also would like to clarify that I am very happy (as are others, I'm sure) to see our sponsors' logos and ads. Happy to support them.

It's the anigif ads for Slack, etc., that seem to be new, and more intrusive. I have noticed them more lately on iOS.

Thanks again!
john bickar
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Mobile version issue Empty Re: Mobile version issue

Post by Rob Kovach Wed Oct 28, 2015 11:50 pm

Our sponsor logos will continue on!  I believe they are helpful!

I want to pay to stop the outside "spam" ads from being seen.  I will circle back with you, John, when I have access to the payment process system.

Thank you for your compliments!
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Mobile version issue Empty Re: Mobile version issue

Post by kc.crawford.7 Thu Oct 29, 2015 4:48 am

Rob, please let me know how much you need.  I very much value my logo on this forum and would like to keep it there.  I actually need to get you the updated logo as well.  Just let me know.

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Mobile version issue Empty Re: Mobile version issue

Post by Rob Kovach Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:33 pm

Thanks KC!  We will talk after I get some free time.
Rob Kovach
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Mobile version issue Empty Re: Mobile version issue

Post by Fire Escape Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:04 am

While I have recently noticed the change in the banner ads on the site, they hardly cause enough of an issue for me to feel that the site is any less valuable to me. If they were to go away that would be a plus but if not I will not be complaining, the site is too useful to worry about any ads!


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