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Awards ain't like this anymore

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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by Jack H 11/1/2015, 12:20 am

Old school award from my mentor's shooting career.

Awards ain't like this anymore AwardsAM001

Awards ain't like this anymore Awards-AM-003

Awards ain't like this anymore Awards-AM-004
These are alloy plates about 12" square and a quarter inch thick

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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by urbanm84 11/1/2015, 3:27 am

You aren't kidding there. I wont 1st in my state championship in my class and didn't even get a pin,sticker anything! makes me wonder if I should bother shooting in that match again. Mind you I am not in it for things,I just thought it was VERY weak of them to not have anything for anyone. There was an additional 20 fee for joining a MI state pistol org. so that you would be classified or something.


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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by Chris Miceli 11/1/2015, 6:15 pm

i got a 50% off entry fee @ perry =]

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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by KenO 11/1/2015, 6:48 pm

No doubt this is true.  My home club is Cadillac, Michigan, and in a back room are trophys from early 1900 on, for pistol, shotgun, rifle, etc. The clubs competed with each other, and it was obviously a big deal. Some of the trophies are huge.

Times are different now, everything is against us, politics, schools, media, etc.

I'm mostly a rifle shooter, but shoot it all, if someone comes up with a "Red Ryder Regional", you can bet I'll be at Walmart the next day picking out a BB gun. I'm not a match director, but help out a lot for four different ranges/clubs. There was just two of us keeping Cadillac rifle going, now we have three, that's a day a week for maintenance (targeting, grass, brush, etc). The match director has done it 12 years, and hasn't shot but a handful of matches in those 12 years. I've only shot twice the last two years, but still go to help out with the work. Cross the course rifle matches are history this year, but he will keep running the 600 yard prone matches, he doesn't want to see it die, very good attendance, but no help.

IDPA was the same, its been gone for several years at Cadillac, it was sometimes just two of us setting up six stages, an all day job, I burned out and quit that game, did that about 6 years. I did the same for IPSC at a different club a few years before. I'm in Florida for the winter, and spent the day yesterday filling sand bags for shot pocket fill in, we had a very good turnout for the work bee, an uplift.

I shot the Mich State matches this year at Ionia, had a good time, and I am just glad that someone is doing it, there are no spring chickens anymore. Trophies are the least of my worry.
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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by Fire Escape 11/1/2015, 10:07 pm

True that awards are not what they used to be but how big a problem is that? I was happy to earn a small plaque this summer in a rifle match but would be more than willing to give that up so that the club could maintain a positive balance for the event. As noted, finding help to put the matches on is a major issue in most clubs, but if it costs the club $$$ to hold the match there is even less likelihood that it will happen again. With the cost of everything these days our club tends to focus on smaller events that don't involve a major cash outlay. There does not need to be a big profit, merely a positive rather than loss for the event. That way we can keep entry fees low and while our numbers are not huge because of the low cost, the entry fee does not show up on the list of reasons that more do not shoot.
I guess we are luckier than a lot of clubs, sure we have one guy who always runs the pistol league, another that always runs the monthly shotgun tournament (no awards but it is only $8 to shoot 50 clays plus all the heckling you can stand) and one who runs the pin shoots but we do have a 'cadre' on old retired guys who show up and help at each event.


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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by CrankyThunder 11/2/2015, 3:44 am

It's tuff guys.........

I help out on a couple matches and used to work at a couple more that are no longer held.  

When working the matches, we get a lot of complaints from the shooters about the match fees.  

While there is no doubt that competitive shooting is a expensive sport, excessive costs are why it is so difficult to get new participants on the firing line.  There is no question that a $600.00 trophy is nice for the top dog to stuff in his closet with the other trophy's, would you trade that against 60 ten buck t shirts for newbies which encourages them to come back next year?  Not sure what the answer is but I know it is a difficult decision. 

Personally, I think we need to encourage the younger shooters to join in the fun. 


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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by BE Mike 11/2/2015, 7:42 am

This brings back a lot of memories, like the Mid-Winter Nationals in Tampa and the Florida Law Enf. Assn. annual pistol matches. The former had many guns as awards and the later had a lot of plaques, trophies, etc. Then again, back then participation in the matches eclipsed those held today and the people who headed up the matches were a real hard driving force. Times change as society changes. It seems to me (an oldster) that it wasn't long ago that seeing 18-20 folks on the line for an approved monthly match wasn't uncommon. Today, seeing 6 or 8 is considered good.
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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by LenV 11/2/2015, 8:59 am

I don't think were ever going to see trophies again for all of the reasons mentioned above. I would however like to see the revival of an award/place letter. Something you can pin to a wall for memories. I shoot for fun and not for fame and glory but I still like to collect trinkets. I recently shot in the Oregon State Championships and thru a combination of the alignment of the stars, phase of the moon and a little skill I took first place HM. I received $13.00 in the mail for that bit of luck and a match bulletin. The $13.00 is long gone and the bulletin is in a drawer somewhere. It would have been nice to get a piece of paper (cheap) that had that info on it. I would gladly have given up the money for a scrap of paper. I still have the award letter from my very first match. They misspelled my name and did a strike over but that old piece of paper still has a place on my wall. It helps me remember.

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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by jglenn21 11/2/2015, 1:52 pm

ah,  memories of the Mid Winter matches in Tampa... Attended those many years as my wife's family lives in St. Pete so we got to shoot  the matches and visit family.

I can remember them giving away Model 41s for many winners.

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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by james r chapman 11/2/2015, 5:20 pm

Just picked this up for a 2nd Overall at a Detroit area PPC shoot...

 photo IMG_20151101_192307989_HDR_zpsi8ox5dti.jpg
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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by urbanm84 11/2/2015, 5:53 pm

I agree with Oldmaster. I have given 90% of my winning BACK to the clubs that hosted anyway.


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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by C.Perkins 11/2/2015, 6:22 pm

I like trinkets and trash(as my squad mate skeet shooter used to call it).
I like cheap pins and medals, the occasional trophy and the two SA .45's I won at the Desert mid Winter in Arizona over the years.
Won a lot of money back during my shotgun years but no way paid for the addiction but was a lot of fun and a great experience.
Would not have a problem at all with a piece of paper to frame and put on the wall, have those too.
Just some sort of recognition whether large or small is all I hope for.


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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by Chris Miceli 11/2/2015, 11:04 pm

I have no club to be apart of... but I have been to non shooting related competitions.  Most of the time they find a local sponsor or two to donate some gift cards.

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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by Ghillieman 11/4/2015, 10:35 am

All the pins, and ribbons, and medals, and plaques, and trophies are great memory makers. They are great for neighborhood kids to look at and give something to show your wife that your not just blowing all this money on booze and women. I like them.
However, I was shocked to learn that I won a Springfield Range Officer at the NRA Regionals in Austin. What a great prize! I told the match director that it was a great prize and I would be willing to pay a higher entry fee next year for prizes like that.
Hopefully that catches on with other clubs.

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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Mid Winters

Post by Star loader 10/9/2022, 7:20 am

I remember when they gave away a pistol for all class and category  winners .

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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by NukeMMC 10/9/2022, 8:16 am

The High Standard 106 Citation and K38 Target Masterpiece I started bullseye shooting with are both prize pistols my dad won in the early 60s.

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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by Jack H 10/9/2022, 11:24 am

Picture update post #1
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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by Arthur 10/19/2022, 5:48 pm

NJ is awarding Glocks to class winners. Random drawing among the EIC shooters one entry for each match entered. Some other nice raffle prizes too. 
Really a standout organization. 



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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by james r chapman 10/20/2022, 5:12 am

Trapshooters got Buicks and Cadillacs!
Not to mention Gold Coins!!!
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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by Star loader 10/20/2022, 7:54 am

The NRA got a Silver Cloud for Wayne !

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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by bmize1 10/20/2022, 9:32 am

Awards ain't like this anymore 26c73b10
someone sent me this pic a few months ago.
He found it in his uncle’s house.
It is one of the 22 short single shot pistols, but still a nice prize.
He sent me the plaque and sold the pistol to a gun shop.

Now we give cheap trophies and all the cash leftover.


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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by Jack H 10/20/2022, 3:50 pm

Doc Young got this at a match
Awards ain't like this anymore AG-1

Awards ain't like this anymore AG-3

Now I have it.  Old tanks and all.  I like shooting this better than my Steyr LP10
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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by jjfitch 10/20/2022, 10:13 pm

Awards and trophies are definitely good for the sport. It gives new shooters "something to shoot for"!

Perhaps, that is where the expression came from "something to shoot for"? As a former competition shooter at state, regional and national matches now retired due to age related infirmities, I enjoyed all aspects of the shooting sports! But I especially enjoyed seeing the smiles on family members as I showed off awards and trophies. 

Today they're mostly put away no longer collecting dust along with a binder full of certificates from years of club matches. Life goes on....Smile

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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by Nightshift82 10/24/2022, 10:40 am

The outdoor league that I participate in, handed out heavy glasses as awards, and the most improved shooter for the year gets their name engraved on a silver platter.
Reminds of the Stanley Cup.  Sportsman of the year gets a very nice pen in a case with thier name etched on it.  I am personally more than satisfied.

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Awards ain't like this anymore Empty Re: Awards ain't like this anymore

Post by tyro 10/27/2022, 6:03 pm

I am new to bullseye shooting,5 years shooting. N.J. Holds a state championship each year open to everyone. They give away Glock pistols,have multiple giveaways like red dots, barrels,mantis trainer, go to www nj pistol .com .for full info. Also cmp matches give you a great chance to win pins , metals,new this year is cmp revolver distinguished program.I have been receiving in mail cmp awards.so I’m getting points but not there yet.I won a Glock just picked it up. Go to njpisto.com sign up for a match and maybe you will win a Glock.tyro


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