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Federal National Match .45 ACP equivalents

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Federal National Match .45 ACP equivalents Empty Federal National Match .45 ACP equivalents

Post by gptuners 11/4/2015, 9:47 am

I've found that my Sig 1911 shot best from a rest with white box National Match 45 ammo. The headstamp read "NM 02" and it worked beautifully. I'd tried a few different match ammos and this seemed to be the best fit for me. I tried to contact Federal to see if the had a commercial equivalent, and the response was this:


This was contract ammo and there is no commercial ammo with the same specs.


So does anyone know where I can get some more of this, or at preferably a commercial equivalent. Heck, I'd just like to know what made this the "magic" round for my gun. And if the military contract is for a excellent match ammo, why not make a commercial version? Obviously the AMU teams would only ask if it was exactly what the needed.

If not, I guess I need to borrow a rest, buy more ammo types, and start my search over. (It's been well over a year, and I can't find my data from last time.)


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Join date : 2014-08-10

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Federal National Match .45 ACP equivalents Empty Re: Federal National Match .45 ACP equivalents

Post by Chris Miceli 11/4/2015, 9:53 am

When i was shooting 230FMJ for matches I would use Asym http://asymammo.com/ or Atlanta Arms  http://www.atlantaarms.com/

My gun was happy with either.

Chris Miceli

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Federal National Match .45 ACP equivalents Empty Re: Federal National Match .45 ACP equivalents

Post by SteveT 11/4/2015, 12:11 pm

I don't know of an equivalent, but I would...

Measure the OAL, crimp and velocity of the known good ammo (probably ~820 fps), then develop a load that is similar. I would use Sierra 8815 or Zero bullets and try a few of the normal bullseye powders (BE, TG, WST, N310/320, Clays) and then test for accuracy.

One trick I learned a long time ago was to put the known good round in the seating station, then run the seater down onto the round until it stops. If the crimp is very weak you can push the bullet into the case (doh!) but I would guess that these have pretty tight crimp and you'll be able to run it down as tight as you can by hand and be pretty close to the same OAL. You can do the same thing for the crimp station, but it is not as easy to get the exact same results in my experience.

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Federal National Match .45 ACP equivalents Empty .45 ACP Match Ball

Post by Richard Ashmore 11/4/2015, 7:39 pm

gptuners wrote:I've found that my Sig 1911 shot best from a rest with white box National Match 45 ammo. The headstamp read "NM 02" and it worked beautifully. I'd tried a few different match ammos and this seemed to be the best fit for me. I tried to contact Federal to see if the had a commercial equivalent, and the response was this:


This was contract ammo and there is no commercial ammo with the same specs.


So does anyone know where I can get some more of this, or at preferably a commercial equivalent. Heck, I'd just like to know what made this the "magic" round for my gun. And if the military contract is for a excellent match ammo, why not make a commercial version? Obviously the AMU teams would only ask if it was exactly what the needed.

If not, I guess I need to borrow a rest, buy more ammo types, and start my search over. (It's been well over a year, and I can't find my data from last time.)


  Back when the Army bought Match Ball, it was made to a Military Specification.  Federal GM45A is the closest commercial ammunition I am aware of.  PM me and I can send a copy of the MILSPEC.

Last edited by Richard Ashmore on 11/5/2015, 4:04 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add text.)
Richard Ashmore
Richard Ashmore

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Federal National Match .45 ACP equivalents Empty Re: Federal National Match .45 ACP equivalents

Post by JIMPGOV 11/4/2015, 10:07 pm





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