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Benefits to shooting iron sights?

Jon Eulette
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Benefits to shooting iron sights? Empty Benefits to shooting iron sights?

Post by orpheoet 11/16/2015, 12:48 pm

I'm thinking about shooting iron sights for a few months. I started with iron sights from june  2014-jan 2015. When I put the dot on my scores jumped up and leveled off around 92% as of a few months ago. Does anyone else think maybe a few months back with iron sights might give my scores a boost? I figure at least it'll help my eic scores....

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Benefits to shooting iron sights? Empty Re: Benefits to shooting iron sights?

Post by Jon Eulette 11/16/2015, 1:12 pm

I think it could help. Anytime you change things up it can motivate or change things enough to help scores. The dot really shows your movement which can be a bad thing affecting your fundamentals. The irons don't show the movement as much (it's still there) and can help you stick to your fundamentals. I just shot my first Distinguished .22 match. I haven't shot irons in forever (900 service pistol match in February). I shot an 1800 in the morning with scopes (best .22 score in quite some time). I shot one hell of a tight group for my SF portion of Distinguished match. Better than my morning SF group. My TF was blah because I tried to make them too pretty and I finished with a 98-7X RF. I had 2 shots just outside the 10 ring. I noticed that the pistol moved less and I had to work harder aiming because of those pesky irons and old eyes. I'm on the verge of shooting irons for a bit just because; it was fun and I was shooting really tight groups.

And for the record Jim Lenardson broke 2670 4x with irons.

I say go for it Razz)
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Benefits to shooting iron sights? Empty Re: Benefits to shooting iron sights?

Post by DeweyHales 11/16/2015, 1:13 pm

I went all irons a while back. I legged out, and I just got my Expert card in Metallic. 

Once you start really looking at the right things, it isn't a setback to use irons with good vision and good lighting.

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Benefits to shooting iron sights? Empty Re: Benefits to shooting iron sights?

Post by orpheoet 11/16/2015, 2:43 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:

And for the record Jim Lenardson broke 2670 4x with irons.

I say go for it Razz)
Wasn't the highest score ever shot with iron sights? A M41 and a 1911? 2680? Those guys have nothing to worry about from me.....

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Benefits to shooting iron sights? Empty Re: Benefits to shooting iron sights?

Post by Jack H 11/16/2015, 3:36 pm

With irons, I shot the best string I ever had.  Then my head got in the way.  8 straight inside X's at 50 with a Colt 38 OMM revolver.  I will always remember that like it was my first hole-in-one on the par 5.  Sight alignment, trigger control, AND keep your head empty of anything else.  That third one is hard.  Actually the better 50 yd groups for me are usually irons/revolver IF my head is on straight.  Seeing the sight helps too.
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Benefits to shooting iron sights? Empty Re: Benefits to shooting iron sights?

Post by Rob9mmshooter 11/17/2015, 4:30 am

Other than the benefits mentioned above I thinking of the best is that shooting the iron sights teaches you to keep wrist motion out of your hold.  Using iron sights wrist motion becomes one of the main things that you focus on and this has major benefits in accuracy.  When using the dot you cannot tell the difference between arm movement and wrist movement so clearly.


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Benefits to shooting iron sights? Empty Re: Benefits to shooting iron sights?

Post by spursnguns 11/17/2015, 9:24 am

I am a firm believer in periodically switching to iron sights.  I do it quite a bit and the crossover benefits are well documented.  Plus; I really enjoy it.

The transverse, moving from irons to dot, is good for other disciplines also.  Years ago I was doing quite well in PPC but had reached a plateau.  A coach had me practice with a dot (a very early generation one as it was years ago) for a period of time.  When I went back to iron sights; my hold was greatly improved and I was able to jump to a new/higher level.


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Benefits to shooting iron sights? Empty Re: Benefits to shooting iron sights?

Post by Jon Eulette 11/17/2015, 10:03 am

spursnguns wrote:I am a firm believer in periodically switching to iron sights.  I do it quite a bit and the crossover benefits are well documented.  Plus; I really enjoy it.

The transverse, moving from irons to dot, is good for other disciplines also.  Years ago I was doing quite well in PPC but had reached a plateau.  A coach had me practice with a dot (a very early generation one as it was years ago) for a period of time.  When I went back to iron sights; my hold was greatly improved and I was able to jump to a new/higher level.



Scope is valuable tool to learning/reinforcing shooting fundamentals.

Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Benefits to shooting iron sights? Empty Re: Benefits to shooting iron sights?

Post by DeweyHales 11/17/2015, 10:32 am

Rob9mmshooter wrote:Other than the benefits mentioned above I thinking of the best is that shooting the iron sights teaches you to keep wrist motion out of your hold.  Using iron sights wrist motion becomes one of the main things that you focus on and this has major benefits in accuracy.  When using the dot you cannot tell the difference between arm movement and wrist movement so clearly.
This is so true. Excellent point.

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Benefits to shooting iron sights? Empty Re: Benefits to shooting iron sights?

Post by john bickar 11/18/2015, 7:59 pm

Do it.
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